Sunday, December 1, 2013
Dec 2, 2013 - EEAC Agenda
Call to Order – Jackie Weist
Secretary’s Report – Barb Rider
Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart
Budgeted funds: $1000 for 3E’s business/ entertainment district
$1500 for sign installation, landscaping, choir pots
$600 for 5 GED scholarship to residents at the East End Ed Center
$1000 to the Teaching Garden at REA (Sam and the CGC)
$500 to LeBlond programs and/or their Foundation
$200 for emergency school supplies REA.
$200 for website
NOT NSP-eligible: $600 for Honor Roll programs/ breakfasts at REA.
$300 for Meet & Greet and Volunteer Recognition events.
Police Report – Officer Love
LeBlond Report – Alayne Kazin
Riverview East Academy – Principal Charlene Myers
NSP/DAAP Report – Melisse May
City Liaison – Laurie Keleher: New Water Works wall projects
Community Relations – Sandy Hoover: Volunteer Recognition Report
• NextDoor - Did we get enough people to sign up?
• Sam’s Garden at REA - Volunteers?
• Public Allies project (Danny Fadeley) ideas: Connectivity, Tunnel lights, Clearing views, Substandard housing
• Blighted houses reported to the City and the Port Authority: at Kellogg/Congress, 4355 & 4377 Riverside, Airport/Eastern
• Fundraiser - Need volunteer to lead. A food truck/picnic has been suggested, along the river, perhaps at Schmidt.
• Website report from MaryBeth Wilker and Dennis Camp.
• Map of proposed EE boundaries. Plus surveys to fill out.
• Election of Officers followed by swearing in – Jane Sites
Nov 4, 2013 -EEAC Minutes
EEAC MINUTES – Monday, November 4, 2013
Call to Order – Jackie Weist, president
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm at the LeBlond RecPlex. There were 25 people in attendance, including 18 residents. Jackie thanked Vergie Mullis and Nick Motz for their help with the streetside flower pots. She introduced State Rep Peter Stautberg, who was visiting.
Secretary’s Report – Barb Rider (absent)
Copies of the Oct 7, 2013 minutes were circulated; there were no corrections. In Barb’s absence, Melisse May was appointed to take minutes. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart (absent)
Financial reports for October were made available. We have $7657.06 in checking, $3210.51 in savings and $1410.02 in the flood/emergency fund. Disbursements were made to Constant Contact for the newsletter ($168) and to Wimberg ($64.04) for mowing by the Kemper sign. Contact:
Police Report – Officer Germaine Love (absent)
• Detective Kelly McBeth reported the District 2 East End monthly crime report for Officer Germaine Love. The report is typical for the East End with mostly thefts. Crime stats are down year-to-date over last year, with the exception of assaults (which doesn’t follow trends). She wishes all other neighborhoods had stats this good.
• Police are improving lighting for security cameras along Schmidt Field.
• Jackie asked about the use of canines to detect drugs. Det. McBeth said the CPD uses dogs, but they have to be used according to very specific guidelines. The Captain is closely monitoring the drug situation in the EE; we will be hearing more about that.
• Peniel Church reported a break-in today. This information was unknown to Det. McBeth.
Contact: 979-4480 or
LeBlond Recreation Center – Alayne Kazin, Director
• Alayne provided an update on the RecPlex. On Oct 22, the Hometown Huddle built a new playground. The parking lot has doubled in size. The dedication for the Jack Twyman outdoor basketball courts is tomorrow at 2:00 and all are invited.
• Materials on the RecPlex and membership benefits were distributed.
Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal
• Charlene reported we are close to getting full agreement to establish a school health center. Work is underway to identify the site within the school, and then CPS will renovate the space with the grant from Interact for Health.
• Patrick Ormond mentioned that the EEAC had previously assigned a share of stock to the EE Health Center (provided by Time Warner). The estimated value is $250,000. Patrick will find out the status of the building and whether we still have a stake in it.
• Charlene said that the Christine Macauley Clinic on Eastern Ave is serving adults in our area.
Guest Speakers –
Lauren Campbell, Environmental Ohio Community Engagement
Lauren discussed the issue of global warming and related events, including flooding. Carbon is the largest contributor to global warming. Her organization is working with the EPA to address the problem and is seeking public support for these efforts. She asked for any interested parties to contact her to get involved. There will be a rally in Columbus on Nov. 16.
Contact: 765-624-8456
Danny Fadeley, Public Allies
Danny represented a group of 10 from Public Allies (an AmeriCorps program) doing a year of service and has chosen the East End. They are looking to identify a project and have been talking to community members for ideas. The idea needs to be submitted by mid-December. The organization has limited funds, so would look for partners to support the project.
Contact: ?
City Liaison – Laurie Keleher (absent)
No report. Contact:
Community Relations Report - Sandy Hoover (absent)
Jackie reported for Sandy that there is a volunteer recognition event on Nov 19th at Adenine on Riverside at 7:00. Contact:
NSP Report - Melisse May
• Melisse reported that we will be getting NSP funds this year and will have more information after the training on Nov. 5.
• Sam Dunlap is looking for volunteers to continue the work he has started with the school garden. Please contact Sam or Melisse if you are interested.
• The DAAP Community Planning School will provide a studio in conjunction with the Schools of Horticulture and Architecture to flesh out options on the vision for the East End Garden District that were shared at the Oct EEAC meeting and several other events.
3East Report - Nick Motz (absent)
No report. Contact:
President’s Report – Jackie Weist
• Jackie thanked all the volunteers who helped with the Fall Clean-up on Oct 26.
• The Board is still interested in creating a fundraising and neighborhood event that would be family oriented. The Board felt that it should be held along the river. One suggestion was to have a food truck available. This event needs a chair.
Nominating Comm – Jane Sites
Current slate for 2014-15 is VP: Michael Bolan, Sec: Jackie Weist, Treasurer: Jeff Stewart, NSP Rep: Barb Rider. At this time, there is no one willing to accept the position for President. Without a president, the EEAC may be forced to disband or merge with Columbia Tusculum. Bob Little suggested that the President position be shared by four people with each managing the position for three months each. Jackie asked for nominations from the floor. Betty Burns nominated Patrick Ormond, and he stated that he is not willing to let the organization go down. There was no vote. Betty said that we have been in this position before; someone has always come forward by December. Anyone willing to serve should contact Jane Sites. Jackie thanked Jane for her work on the nominating committee. Contact:
New Business - Jackie
• Barb Rider submitted to the Board proposed guidelines for use of the EEAC message sign, allowing non-profits in the EE to use the sign when there is no need for EEAC messaging and when the message is of broad interest to East End residents. There were no objections to this proposal.
• The East End now officially extends to the tennis courts just east of the Montgomery Inn Boat House. This is now represented on city maps.
• The Cincinnati Planning Commission has postponed any decision on the barge noise/dust issues along Riverside just east of the Friendship park. The next meeting will be in February.
• The Board has recommended that we have a website. Mary Beth Wilker will manage it with Jackie’s help in creating content. Dennis Camp volunteered to host the website for free and requested suggestions for domain names. He is willing to work with Mary Beth to create the website. There was a discussion on inclusion of ads; Dennis said that is usually to cover the cost of the website, and he is willing to do that for no cost. Jackie will have Mary Beth contact Dennis. The website will be in addition to the newsletter, which is mandated by the City. Meeting attendees were supportive of the establish-ment of a website.
Proposed Budget – Jackie
• $600 Riverview East Academy – Honors Breakfasts and Emergency School Supplies
• $600 *East End Education Center – 5 scholarships for EE residents to take the GED
• $1000 *3-E Business/Entertainment District
• $1000 *Installation/landscaping for the EE sign at Salem. Landscaping for sign at Delta.
• $800 *Teaching Garden at Riverview East Academy
• $500 *LeBlond support and/or its Foundation
• $200 *Newsletter and website set-up
• $300 Meet & Greets, including Volunteer Recognition
*Possible funding through NSP
There were no other suggestions for budget items. Some monies will come from NSP which are expected to be $5000.
Questions were raised on the status of the Business Association. Jackie will request a represen-tative come to the next EEAC meeting to report, along with Mike Wagner or a rep from NSBDU.
Vergie Mullis mentioned that we need one more person to sign up for Nextdoor (online neighborhood discussion board). Melisse will send invitations to those with emails on the sign-in sheet.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.
Next Meeting: Monday Dec 2, 2013 at 7 pm at LeBlond RecPlex
NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at
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