EEAC MINUTES – MONDAY, April 6, 2009
Call to order
Laurie Keleher - called to order at 7:10 PM. Contact:
Guest Speakers
Police Report
Officer Love – Crime stats were presented. Thefts from auto are the usual BIG crime: GPS, purses, suction cup marks left on the window are tell-tale signs for the thieves. It literally takes less than 10 seconds to break a car window and grab a GPS unit for instance. Noteworthy: 4343 Kellogg – aggravated robbery. Business owners please be careful that your alarms are operable and working. Also, Officer Love is looking for support for a block watch program. Call 513-765-1212 for any non-violent/emergency crimes. Contacts:,
Recreation Department Report
Katie Lear – Easter Egg hunt last Saturday was a success and fun! Summer camp is filling up quickly. Fox19 and St. Vincent DePaul are doing a festival. COSI is coming July 31, 2009. Call the Rec center for latest events and more info @ 513- 281-3209. Contact:
Decertification of Beechmont Levee
Amit Ghosh – Chief Building Official of Cincinnati – FEMA is revising flood maps end of this year and as a result, the levees do not meet current day standards. We have applied for Federal appropriations and other grants. Basically, FEMA is requiring the levees around Lunken Airport to be 3 feet higher than they are (501 sea level is the flood, 504 is the 3 feet extra of “free-board). Translation: more East End property will be within the FEMA flood plain. Purchasing flood insurance before this September will result in lower rates than purchasing the same insurance afterwards. City has hired a consultant to study what would be involved to raise the levy, or potentially rebuild if that is what it takes. Motion was made to write letter in support of City’s proposal for Federal appropriations. Seconded. Passed 7 in favor, 1 abstained, 0 against. Letter to be mailed by this Friday to Amit. Contact:
Annie’s Entertainment Complex
Pete Georgeton, Bill Georgeton, Pat Ormond (Past EEAC President), and their hired Manley Burke Attorney – Precinct restaurant had a rough start it’s first year with neighborhood problems coming from the business. The EEAC at the time gave the restaurant 1 year to clean up its act – the Precinct did clean up the problems. Annie’s employs the equivalent of 10-11 employees for the neighborhood. The Cincinnati Police Department is opposing the renewal of Annie’s liquor license. Annie’s has hired Manley Burke to represent them on the liquor license renewal. There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning between the City Police and Annie’s owners. Annie’s owners Bill and Pete came to the meeting to present to us that they: a) just recently became aware of any problems perceived by the community, and b) they are willing to open lines of communication between Annie’s and the community/community council. We all agree that this is a good start to opening lines of communication and hope that we can continue this into the future. We will be notified of any outcomes from the meeting with City Police if available to the public. Contact:
Secretary’s Report
Nick Motz – presented the minutes. Accepted, and filed with one change to Katie Lear’s email. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report
Jackie Weist – presented the treasurer’s report. Is there any other ways we can earn interest on our savings? Something we may want to look into at the next board meeting. Accepted, and filed as is. Contact:
NSP Report
Patrice Allen – We are on the docket for fall planting for the streetscape through Urban Forestry Program. New news: Park Board is now on board and is willing to contribute an additional 42 trees for the street boulevard! The LeBlond Rec Center contribution has been made for the scholarship funds. Visit our website @
Old Business
Transportation Study/Bus Stops – Study underway.
Collins Steps – No new news.
Bike Path – No new news.
Great American Clean UP – Ruth Coon reported that everything is on track for the clean up on Saturday, April 25. Babb Alley, Hoff Avenue are definitely focus areas.
Burned out buildings updates – The brick building across from St. Rose was not insured for fire damage, so the City is working on it’s demo, which may take a while. The building in the 3000 block of Riverside is due to be demolished soon.
JP’s Liquor License – Motion was made that EEAC write a letter in support to the Liquor Board. Seconded. Passed 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained.
New Business
Maribelle’s Pancake breakfast for Marathon – we are going to sponsor a pancake breakfast at Maribelle’s on the patio for the Marathon in May. Contact:
Styrene Rail Car Leak – The Fire Department is looking for victims that received medical care as a result of the stryrene leak, but did NOT call in via 911 for the help. If you know of anyone in this situation, please contact the Fire Department.
Donation for Food for Great American Cleanup – Motion was made to donate $50-75 for food and drinks for volunteers during the cleanup. Seconded. Passed 5 in favor, 0 opposed.
Mail Call – none
Adjournment - Adjourned at 8:35 PM.