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Thursday, February 4, 2010

EEAC Meeting Minutes

1 February 2010

The meeting was called to order by Nick Motz as President Laurie Keleher was unable to attend. The minutes from the November meeting were not approved as Secretary Michael Bolan was unable to attend.

Christian presented the CRC LaBlond Center update. She reminded everyone that membership dues to LaBlond are free during January and February. There is also a new schedule for existing classes and many new classes offered. For more information, please contact the center’s program guide at the center or online at.
Norman Merrifield, Ed.D., Director CRC, spoke to the changes and adjustments within the Commission due to the current economic realities. He stated the CRC is one of the best in the Midwest – even after 10 years of budget cuts – because the personnel are accessible and responsive to the community and so better meet its needs. He reviewed the rationale used to determine which pools within the city will be closed during the summer of 2010. Those pools with the least amount of use for the largest age group will be closed. Also, older pools (which require costly yearly maintenance) will be evaluated as well with some being converted to the “aquatic center’ model which can be used by all ages for longer hours over more months. Specific budget information was not reviewed at this time.
Dr. Merrifield requested the EEAC support the proposed model for LaBlond while there are finances available to do the construction. The new aquatic center would be ready for use in the summer of 2011. He will return to the EEAC with a specific proposal in the spring for the community to review .Nick Motz asked for specific budget information regarding current and projected costs .
George Frank, a member of the Parkside Christian Church, which holds some services at the LaBlond Center Sunday morning, asked for volunteers for an outreach program. They are holding a community event, packing meals for the victims of Haiti, February 28th, 11:00 am with pizza for all at the LaBlond center and all community residents are welcome to help.

Patrice Allen presented the proposed project list for the Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) which is funded by the City of Cincinnati. Jackie Weist requested the Music Scholarship Program be omitted as the principal of Riverside Academy did not provide the names of students wishing to participate. The motion was seconded by Donna Meakin and passed unanimously. After a description of the remaining project list and discussion, Joe Corcoran made a motion to adopt the entire list as presented, the motion was seconded by Nick Motz, and the motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Patrice Allen for Secretary Michael Bolan