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Thursday, May 6, 2010

EEAC meeting minutes May 2010

EEAC Meeting Minutes

3 May 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Laurie Keleher.

Officer Love gave the neighborhood crime report. Theft and burglary oriented crime is on the increase with 10 such incidents reported for the month of April. In one instance, the copper wire was cut out of equipment room of a cell tower in the East End. The eyes and hears of the residents will be needed to help curtail the thievery.

Christian presented the CRC LeBlond Center update. In addition to the management of the Center, she is responsible for the employment of 90 youth this summer. This work program is intended to give young men and woman insight into the workplace as well as income. Plans are also underway for movie showings this summer at the Center to be announced later.

The Great American clean-up, previously post poned by rain, is now scheduled for May 15th with a sign up board at LeBlond. The trash removal along Riverside Drive is being targeted for this event as well as the volunteer work by Joe Corcoran crew throughout the summer months. All are encouraged to pitch in and make our Riverside Drive tidy this summer.

The dedication of the Mural at RR overpass along Delta and Eastern is scheduled for Thursday May 6th. This is effort has the support of both EEAC and the Columbia Tusculum Council.

We discussed the possibility of having a remote monthly EEAC meeting in the East End Garden District latter this summer.
Nick Motz, the treasurer, reported no new financial activity for the EEAC. Minutes will be approved at next meeting.

Meeting was adjoined at 7:30p

Secretary: Michael Bolan 5/6/2010