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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Council Meetings Minutes, November 2010

East End Area Council
November 2010 Minutes
The Nov 1, 2010 meeting was held at Leblond Recreation Center and called to order by President, Laurie Keheler at 7:00 PM.
Officer Love from District 2 gave the October police report. The number of offenses increased from 9 to 13 on a month-to-month basis. There were 10 thefts from autos including a catalytic converter removed from an exhaust system of a car.
Leblond Recreation Center:
Christian reported on the activities at the recreation center including a plan for a Breakfast Event December 18 with Santa.
Treasurer’s Report:
Nic Motz gave the financial report and outlined the actual versus budgeted spending. A current balance of $15K remains in the Mt Washington Savings and Loan account of the EEAC.
Secretary's Report:
The minutes of the October meeting were distributed and approved for the record.
Other Topics Discussed:
1 Sharon Smith of the Recycle bank discussed the changes to the Cincinnati waste stream. New trash cart have been issued to each residence with the goal of recycling most of the solid household waste to keep it out of the landfill as well as lower the demand we place on our environment. The special recycling containers are issued in three sizes: 96, 64 and 32 gallons. The carts will be emptied every other week and their contents taken to the Rumpke recycling center. There is an RF ID computer chip embedded in each cart that is used to positively identify the container and to monitor the waste stream The cart remains the property of the city not the homeowner. The goal is to recycle 80% of each household. The plan is to not only keep Cincinnati Green but also keep down the cost of the sanitary collection service.
2 Tracie Hunter is running for Judge of Hamilton County Juvenile Court. She discussed her vision of how the justice system might be better run by putting more emphasis on rehabilitation. Without behavioral change, the repeat offender rate stays at an unacceptable level. A more enlighten approach could brake the cycle of youths transitioning to non-productive adults that go on to commit crimes against you.
3 Patrice Allen talked about our NSP wish list for the 2011 budget. The NSP future funding remains in jeopardy because of the dire financial circumstances of the City. She also discussed some amendments to the EEAC bylaws with the intention of making our council more effective. The proposed changes will be put on the blog and discussed again at the Dec meeting. A motion was passed to hold off on elections till the January meeting.
4 The proposed accommodations for bicyclists along Riverside Drive were discussed. Laurie Keheler requested that the council offer guidance to the city on the 5 concepts offered by the city. A vote was taken. 90% where in favor of a bike facility for the East End. It was recommended that the city continue to search for additional parking resources as the Riverside Drive pedestrian and bike provisions impacts parking. It was suggested that the City stay engaged with the EEAC, that the bike trail initiative stay differentiated from the bike lane, and that the 3-mile stretch be optimized for unique situations. A vote was taken on the city’s proposals. Results: 0 in favor of #1, 0 in favor of #2, 5 in favor of #3, 9 in favor of #4, 0 in favor of #5 and 6 in favor of none of the 5 city proposals.

The meeting adjourned.

Michael Bolan, Secretary