EEAC MINUTES – Monday, Mar 5, 2012
Pendleton Heritage Center
Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. There were 23 people in attendance, including 15 residents.
Secretary’s Report
Barb Rider presented the Feb 6, 2012 minutes; they were accepted and filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report
Sandy Hoover presented the 03.05.2012 balance sheet (including $26,693.34 in total liabilities and equity). The 2012 budget has not yet been approved. Contact:
• Police Report - Officer Love
Officer Love gave a brief report (Ryan New in a white van was arrested for air conditioners/ copper theft on Feb 6….Putting in a police substation at the Pendleton is not as easy as previously thought), so her colleagues working on regional terrorism could speak.
• Regional Terrorism Early Warning Group – Buddy Blankenship and Lesa Smith, Cincinnati Police
Work has been ongoing 10 years on the Fusion Center Concept (aka Joint Terrorism Task Force) and they are now going to community councils to inform them about their work. The US has been divided into 50 regions – 12 counties are included in the local tristate task force, which the Cinti Police coordinate, under leadership of the FBI. They look into HVE (Homegrown Violent Extremists); most terrorists are US citizens. With purchased equipment, they are able to track criminal activity, and help fight the war on terrorism. They are assigned by the FBI; they explained that the threat of force against people has caused a shift in the government’s posture; they have been able to disrupt a number of plots. Handouts were provided. If we develop a Citizens on Patrol group, they would work together. Everyone should know who to call; an example of when to call is a car parked outside the water treatment plant taking photo-graphs. Other places to focus on are: Kinder-Morgen, Duke, and Cinti Water Works Contact: 765-1212 (police non-emergency #).
• Mark & Connie Greene spoke about asking the city to sell them 20 of 80 additional feet west of their current property in the 1900 block of Riverside between Verdin Bell & Site gas station. They have built 4 homes, and plan to build more so need more property. They would buy the grass, not pavement part, and currently take care of it. The set-backs are clear.
• LeBlond Report – Elaine Kazan
There is an Open House on Friday, March 16 5:30-7:30pm. Three new signs are being installed on the LeBlond grounds, as well as a directional signs near Schmidt Field. Program information is available at They will be pursuing the soapbox derby project. A man with a black dog was observed sawing tress and bush on the river side of the fence (apparently to make a better view). There was speculation that the activity may be to take core samples for the bike path that will go along the river.
Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact:
• The February wine/pizza pairing at Tusculum Pizza made $153 for beautification of the Garden Area (planting of trees).
• Tonight marks the first attempt to move the monthly EEAC meetings throughout the neighborhood. Pendleton host Anna Huiri was thanked. Next month and in October, the EEAC meeting will be in the lobby of Riverview East Academy (provided free of charge).
• The 3rd Tuesday social event will be at the Sky Galley Restaurant at Lunken Airport; in April at Tostados.
City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
• We will be receiving $5000 in NSP funds. Our proposal for a sign will be presented for April review.
• There is a potential delay with the bike facility on Riverside, due to the re-=routing of traffic from Kellogg to Riverside during upcoming 471 construction.
• Ohio and the Hamilton County Depts of Transportation are proceeding with planning for light rail through the East End from Milford to the Montgomery Inn Boathouse to 4th St. There would be a terminal at Delta. Information is available at
Branding of the East End
• Michael Bolan is continuing work on a pilot project to install a historical sign (with a photograph etched in steel of a building “back then”). One would be built, and then a defision could be made to decide if we should build more. Pilot sign will probably go on private property to bypass permit issues somewhere along Riverside.
• Sandy Hoover reported that phone pole banners will cost $250-$350@. They would be 5ft. tall on telephone pole with a steamboat logo along the East End’s 5.2 miles stretch of Riverside and Kellogg. It is yet undetermined where they would be located or how many are needed to make an impact.
Columbia/Tusculum Report – Nick Motz, chair. Contact:
• The emerging eastside business association met last week with 20 businesses represented, and is officially forging ahead. It hopes to have its own 501c3 by the end of year. Next step is to find a name.
• Volunteers are needed for the Flying Pig Marathon Party Zone on May 6 at Eastern and Stanley The EEAC will make $1000 profit. Email Nick for forms.
Business - Bob Little
• The latest issue of Venue Magazine has an article “Inside the East End” featuring a new art studio, residences, etc.
• Bob is planning a fundraiser, likely fishing during the BBQ in the Garden District. He is working with the Ohio River Launch Club.
Old Business
• Recycling - Michelle and Kevin Perkins are putting doorknob handouts on the 150 homes that have not yet used their recycling carts. The city-wide neighborhood recycling challenge might be extended.
• Keep Cincinnati Beautiful – Ruth Coon gave details about the “2012 State Roadway Cleanup” on Sat, Mar 31 9-1. The annual East End clean up, with staging area at LeBlond, will be on April 21. She also announced that all 4 Pendleton air conditioners were stolen last week. Trash behind Pendleton needs to be cleaned.
Announcements – Jackie Weist
• Veterans’ Parade organized by Joe Corcoran – May 19 (may be moved to September)
• Open House for Cincinnati Comprehensive Plan – Mar 19
• Changes to Historic Conservation – Mar 12 Centennial Plaza 3:00
• Letter from Peniel Missionary Baptist Church – Mar 24 to celebrate Rev. Driver’s 9th anniversary
• City/liquor license input – Apr 3 2:00 and Apr 17 6:00 Rm 300 City Hall.
• Ruth asked if we could write a letter complaining about city weeds.
• McClure from Councilman Wendel Young’s office spoke.
• There was a break-in at St. Rose’s through Montessori School – 3 wks ago.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Next meeting Monday, April 3 at 7:00 at Riverview East Academy
NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at