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Friday, May 11, 2012

May 7, 2012 EEAC Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, May 7, 2012 – LeBlond Recreation Center Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:00. There were 18 people present, including 14 residents. Contact: Police Report In the absence of Officer Love, Officer Duane Dawson provided handouts to encourage people to use Leads Online – a way to track personal property with serial numbers statewide. He reported 2 auto thefts, 1 aggravated robbery on Dumont, 2 burglaries, and 7 breaking & enterings for the past month. Secretary’s Report In Barb Rider’s absence, Ed Rider presented the March and April 2012 minutes; they were accepted and filed. Contact: Treasurer’s Report Sandy Hoover presented the 05.07.2012 balance sheet (including $26,635.70 in total liabilities and equity). $150 wine tasting fundraiser at Tusculum Pizza was deposited, and a $649 AIG check was received. Sandy provided the rules for use of these funds. We need ideas for spending the AIG funds within the next few months. Contact: Guests • LeBlond Recreation Center – Alana Kazin, director The new Get Fit program was described. LeBlond is offering a spinning class. It participates in the Reds Rookie Success League. Residents are encouraged to become members (application forms were provided). Alana reminded us that LeBlond was scheduled to close, but additional recreation offices and programs for developmentally challenged residents were moved here to keep it open and take advantage of the recently remodeled and handicapped accessible facility. She showed the new conceptual plan for the site, which includes more sports facilities, a fishing pier, a shaded seating area, an indoor pool, and a bigger parking lot. $5.2 million is needed; private fund-raising will be undertaken. Alana asked for ideas and opinions. Contact: • Riverview East Academy – Lin Yates, principal Mr. Yates described the school’s progress, including increased parent involvement. Great American is providing 82 tutors. He read a letter from a 4th grade teacher about the community garden, describing how excited the students are about working with Sam Dunlap from the Civic Garden Center, learning about nature and plants. Sandy Hoover explained how $150 was given to this garden project from the February winetasting fundraiser. . • UC Trauma Center - Richard Branson A regional research project testing a new procedure for blood transfusions to critically injured patients was reviewed. They are required to alert the public about this procedure. • Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library – Paul Burch (not present; no report) OLD BUSINESS Bike Facility There has been lots of positive responses from the April EEAC meeting devoted to the bike facility, but so far only traffic counters have been installed. Actual construction is to begin soon. Historic Signs – Michael Bolan, vice-president. Contact: The drawings for prototype signs will be ready in 60 days to completed, and then will be presented for input and approval. Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact: • The new event sign, to be installed at Delta & Kellogg, will be going in soon. We are waiting for city approval. • The next 3rd Tuesday Community Relations Event is at the Double Barrel Brewery on Eastern Ave. on May 22nd at 6:30 with Linwood and Columbia/Tusculum. The June event will be at the Brew River Gastropub, if it is open. • STRIVE, a local group to improve public education in Ciincinnati, Covington and Newport, will be announcing a new STEM initiative in July. City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact: • Laurie reviewed the Garden District Guidelines (hand-out). She will email a copy to anyone who requests one. There are no guidelines yet for signage. • A pilot for mobile produce truck zones is being worked on. There would be no more than three zones in the East End. This project started in the EE, and is now city-wide, so we should be proud. Thanks… – Jackie Weist • …to all who participated in the Great American Clean-up on Sat, April 21 • …to the many residents who helped at the Flying Pig PartyZone on Sun, May 6th, and especially to Laurie, who was in charge. The EEAC receives $1000 for this project. NEW BUSINESS Fundraiser for Corcoran family/fire – Ruth Coon There will be a fundraiser at the Pendleton Heritage Center on June 23rd, 7pm-midnight $10@ (21 or older) for the Corcoran family of 6 people who lost their Riverside Dr. home and three dogs to fire recently. The house was a total loss and they have no insurance. Laurie moved that we give $1200 from our emergency fund to the family. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Dayton KY levee 24/7 fill project The EEAC Board recommends that we send letters of protest about the 24/7 construction noise and bright lights on the Dayton shore of the Ohio River. Resident and attorney Lew Seiler has offered to draft a letter to the federal and Kentucky DOT, and the city of Dayton. It was also suggested that the media be notified. Laurie moved that the letters be sent. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Announcements – Jackie Weist The Neighborhood Summit is Sat, May 19 at SCPA to review the recent Plan Cincinnati char-rettes about Form Based Codes to make neighborhoods work with these priorities: 1) Inclusive, Thriving, Livable Communities 2) Well-planned and Developed Infrastructure 3) Safe Communities 4) Sustainable Built & Natural Environments 5) Commerce & Jobs 6) Leadership & Financial Stewardship 7) Efficient & Effective Basic Services RiverSweep is Sat, June 16. The local target area is Schmidt Field. Contact: Betty Hull from the Eastern Corridor group will be at the June 4 meeting. At a recent SORTA meeting, it was announced that new buses will be purchased. Jackie attended a recent meeting, where she learned that ORSANCO and MSD are working together to promote the riverfront, use of the Ohio River, and river clean-up. There is a meeting on May 10 for the Coalition for a Drug-Free Cincinnati. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. Next meeting: Monday, June 4 at 7:00 at Pendleton Heritage Center. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have newsletters emailed to you at