Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Nov 5, 2012 EEAC Minutes
EEAC MINUTES – Monday, Nov 5, 2012
Call to Order
Jackie Weist, president, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm at the LeBlond Recreation Center. Contact: jweist@fuse.net
Secretary’s Report
The October minutes were distributed and approved. In Barb Rider’s absence, Michael Bolan was appointed to take minutes. Contact: barb1rider@aol.com
Treasurer’s Report
There were no new items to report. Shoover216@aol.com
Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal
Charlene outlined the “wiz kids” tutoring program and described the application process for much needed volunteers. Tutors will supplement classroom learning when students fall behind in their studies. She emphasized the peril students get into once they fall behind and how not keeping up increases the probability of dropping out. The school held its first annual college night which attracted 12 institutions of higher learning. A leadership program has also been launched to teach proper meeting etiquette using the principles of Toastmasters International.
Police Report –Officer Germaine Love reported that there were 22 reported incidents of crime in the East End during October. She highlighted 15 property crimes that included 5 thefts from UDF. Two arrests were made in connection with the UDF thefts. A total of 16 arrests were made for the month. The upswing in burglaries and breaking/entry was noted along with how vacant buildings attract crime. Contact: 979-4480
Cincinnati Council
Laure Quinlivan advocated that Issue 2 be passed, citing that council members need a longer time in office to be effective in the jobs. If Issue 2 passes, the term would increase from 2 to 4 years and thereby lessen the time each council member has to spend on the election process.
Florence Parker of OKI spoke about the Cincinnati Port Authority operating a range of over 200 miles of the Ohio River. She also discussed the Eastern Corridor Project planning process, with a goal of improving the transportation corridor between Milford and downtown Cincinnati. Road improvements as well as light rail and bicycle transportation are being studied. She passed out a questionnaire survey entitled “ A Strategic Plan for the Tri State Region” and encouraged East Enders to fill it out. It was noted that Cincinnati has 52 designated neighborhoods; 46 have active councils (the East End being one). Contact: fparker@oki.org or 513-621-6200.
LeBlond Recreation Center
Director Alayne Kazin outlined a plan to improve the Center using private financing. She distributed a brochure that highlighted proposed amenities including a bike trail along the river, increased parking area, shelter with a river view as well as improvements to those with disabilities. The proposal emphasizes a community park plus programs to enrich the lives of Cincinnati residents. Contact: www.cincyrec.org/dr
Flying Pig Marathon
Christian Huelsman spoke about the Flying Pig Marathon in the context of social and environ-mental sustainability. This race passes through the East End every year and includes a Party Zone which East End volunteers help staff. Christian also mentioned his efforts to cleaning up Cincinnati hillside steps. The East End has a number of steps overgrown especially those connecting Gladstone Street and the Hoff Street area that are in need of clean up. Contact Christian about clean up of East End steps: www.SpringInOurSteps.wordpress.com
Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact: may.melisse@gmail.com
• Melisse thanked those who attended the October 23 Meet & Greet with C/T that was hosted by Chris Rose and Verdin artisans at the old Verdin plant in the 1900 block of Riverside. Chris gave a tour of the facilities and attendees got to see first hand the impressive craftsmanship on their work.
• Wyatt’s Bar and Grill will host the Nov 20 Meet and Greet at 6:30 PM
• December – no M&G
University of Cincinnati DAAP Project – Michael Bolan
Lila will continue to research the East End during her Christmas break that includes gathering information about the current state of the neighborhood. Michael and Melisse met with her and her UC coordinator, and are applying for a grant to support the effort of university students. Contact: michaelbolan@yahoo.com
C/T Liaison – Nick Motz was not present, so there was no report. Work continues on the boundaries of the proposed entertainment district within the East End Garden Area.
Garden District Report
Joe Corcoran introduced Michael Dixon and Dethra Bullock, both volunteers in the EEGD. Michael is preparing beds for an intensive spring planting and Dethra is busy with a fund raising effort to cook turkeys for Thanksgiving. Joe has arranged for 40 Withrow HS students to visit the gardens on November 19 and asked for help directing the clean-up activities on that day. There was also a discussion about how to maintain the sidewalk pots donated by the city this summer. Joe has trimmed back some vegetation in some pots, and may have a winter planting in others.
New Business
• Ruth Coons reported that the city violated the property rights of adjacent lot owners as they attempted to repair the river bank erosion on a lot near Vance.
• Mary Dyer, chair of the Nominating Committee (other members: Barbara Grace, Connie Greene, and Barb Rider, ex officio) gave a list of nominees: President-Jackie Weist, Vice President-Michael Bolan, Secretary-Barb Rider, Treasurer-Sandy Hoover, or possibly another yet-to-be-confirmed nominee, and NSP manager-Melisse May. There were no nominations from the floor. Elections will take place at the next meeting (December 3). The newly elected president will appoint chairs to the following committees: city liaison, Columbia Tusculum liaison, community development, and community relations chair.
Contact: 2260 Riverside #407 (Mary), 3011 Riverside (Barbara G), 1927 Riverside (Connie), 2141 Riverside (Barb R).
Adjournment Next meeting:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. Monday, Dec 3 at 7pm - LeBlond Rec Center
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