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Monday, July 1, 2013

EEAC Minutes June 3, 2013

EEAC MINUTES – Monday June 3, 2013 Call to Order – Jackie Weist, EEAC President Jackie called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 25 in attendance (including 19 residents). Contact: Secretary Report – Barb Rider The May 6, 2013 minutes were distributed. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Sandy Hoover (in Jeff Stewart’s absence) The May report was distributed. There is a total of $26,247.59 in liabilities and equity, as of May 22. A check for $30 was written for National Nite Out (Aug 6). Contact: Police Report –Officer Germaine Love (accompanied by Officer Kelley MacBeth). • There are 9 reported offenses for May: 3 thefts from autos, a gas drive-off from UDF, 2 robberies (TV, computer, money, knife, jewelry), and a B&E at Botanics. • Officer Love spoke to a firm on Minnesota Ave. that has allegedly been dumping tires in the EE; although they denied wrong-doing, she feels she put them on notice to no longer dump tires. • National Night Out is Aug 6. We have paid for our booth, and are looking for prizes and volunteers to work. • Bryan Phillips said the sign at the top at Audobon about turning left is faded. Officer Love will report this. • “No Engine Braking Signs” will be installed on both east & west-bound Riverside near Collins. • Jackie read emails to/from Capt. Paul Broxterman, who is being transferred downtown. He said that District 2 has the lowest crime rate in all of Cincinnati. Capt. Jeff Butler, new District 2 head, will come to a future EEAC meeting. • There were questions about a young woman walking up and down street begging for necessities (e.g. diapers), sometimes accompanied by a dog. Some think she may have taken a wallet from a car at LeBlond. Officer Love said to call the non-emergency number 765-1212 to connect her with social services, instead of enabling her. She has pan-handled downtown, at St. Rose’s, and at LeBlond (among other places) Contact: Officer Germaine Love - 979-4480. Guests: • Kate Christoff, Councilwoman Yvette Simpson’s aide (not present) • Ann Herzner, Councilwoman Laure Quinlivan’s aide (not present) • Michael Heckman, neighborhood campaigner for Mike Muroski (city council candidate) Candidate Moroski taught at Moeller and Purcell Marion, and is in his first political campaign. Michael is supporting him because he does not waiver from his positions. Literature and contact cards were left. All are encouraged to contact Michael to share what we love about the East End. Contact: LeBlond Report - Alayne Kazin, Director • Hours change for summer (7AM-6PM). • The pool opened today. Despite a cool day, 10 neighborhood children came to swim. • Day camp starts this week. There are 21 day campers (mostly children of commuters to downtown). Fees of $950/summer includes 6 field trips. 7AM-6PM. Also there are 15 students w. developmental delays being served in another program this summer, mostly paid by Cinti Public Schools. • LeBlond received a request for a liquor license permit for Jefferson Social at 101 E. Freedom Ln. (on the Banks). They have no objections, nor did anyone in attendance. • The renovation brochure was re-distributed. Because of these plans, LeBlond is not being considered for closing. Commitments from the Reds, PNC Bank, and likely Western Southern and the Marvin Lewis Foundation, to name just a few, have been procured. • Jane Sites asked if the plans for building a home on the west end of the LeBlond property are still being considered. Alayne said the developer has taken the proposal off the table; however, he is still working on fundraising for the renovations. The site of the old school to the east of LeBlond property is still officially for sale at $790,000. Contact: Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal • The school year finished Friday. Summer school began today with 4 programs: HS remediation (30 registered today; there were only 15 last year), Gr. 7-8 Bridge (REA will double its Gr. 7-8 population next year), Summer STARS for Gr. K-3 (focused on the new 3rd Gr. reading guarantee), and 2 autism units. • REA graduated 35 (2 are joining the work force, 2 with IEPs will enroll in Project Search, 4 are going into the military, 27 are going on to higher education). Bootsy Collins was the graduation speaker, and promised musical instruments to next year’s senior class of 55. • OGT results were higher than in previous year: reading & writing had the biggest increases. There will be social studies teaching turnover for next year. OAA results (Gr. 3-8) will arrive in July. • Charlene distributed draft copies of REA’s new Health Information Management program (including phlebotomy). This will be offered in addition to the current nursing aide program. Contact: City Liaison - Laurie Keleher • Laurie presented an AIG check for $612.48 to be spent like NSP funding. • Melisse has taken care of EEAC’s stands to city property sales (see p. 3) • Paddle/Pedal Fest is Fri & Sat, June 21-22. • Sam wants a fence for his REA garden, not a shed. • There has been pushback to the bike facility, which the EEAC initiated with the city 3 years ago as a green program for commuters and to calm traffic on Riverside. BrewRiver, Betty Burns, Verdin Bell, and the Cornerstone Pentecostal Church of God (2106 Riverside; the pastor spoke to the issue on WLW talk radio recently) have spoken to Vice-Mayor Roxanne Qualls in opposition; another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. While supporting the bikeway, they are worried about the loss of free parking. Laurie listed the EEAC efforts to improve parking: closing a side street; converting a bus stop to handicapped parking; encouraging valet parking. Laurie explained that the proposed bike crossing at Collins is not for the upcoming bike facility, but rather for the proposed extension of the Ohio River Trail (which may cost $4 million). Patrick Ormond made a motion (seconded) that Laurie write a letter to Roxanne that the EEAC strongly supports a bike facility here. The motion unanimously passed. Laurie encouraged individuals to write also. Contact: NSP Budget and DAAP East End Study – Melisse May Melisse has submitted the NSP proposal that was approved at last month’s EEAC meeting. Although the agency that works with NSP has changed from Invest in Neighborhoods, she continues to get feedback, and hopes to get approval soon. The UC/DAAP study of the EE continues, with new students/recent DAAP graduates. Data will be used to create and support a vision of an improved EE. The study is focusing on parking to support a future business district near Delta. Michael Bolan is assisting. This project relates to work being done by the 3E business district. Results should be presented to EEAC before the end of summer. Contacts: Old Business - Jackie • Friday night family movies are occurring again this year in the Garden District – • Choir flower pots – Thanks to all who are caring for them. EEAC is paying C/T to water pots along Eastern (we cannot use NSP funds for this). New Business - Jackie • We have been notified of 4 applications to buy city property: 1) 3208 Walworth (in EE): Construction of a single family home that exceeds zoned limits on all sides (e.g. front height exceeds by 10.5 ft.). Hearing is June 12 9AM on Central Parkway. Jackie will send a “Melisse-type” letter; immediate neighbors are sure to object to the oversized dimensions. 2) Brown St. (by Schmidt Park): James Kersting wants to build 5-6 condos. Melisse has asked the city for specifications. 3) 247 Gotham St (west of Duke): Sarah Kokenge wants to build here: she owns property adjacent to this lot. Melisse has asked the city for specifications. 4) 2354 Riverside – convert to duplex. No objection. • Barge facility request for expansion (e.g. 30,000 sq ft. storage building) - Planned Development #46. Hearing is Tuesday, June 4th 5:30pm at 2 Centennial Plaza, Suite 700 at 805 Central Ave. Friday, June 7th 9:00am at a City Planning Mtg the vote will take place (project is last on the agenda). Melisse said that our official position has been to ask for noise & dust control, and pay attention to neighbors’ issues. We have never received decibel information. Jane said the views of the barges are beautiful, and she has friends who work there; she supports a compromise. Jackie said the Stewarts have been good to the EE (donating land for picnicking at Eli’s in the Garden District). She is not necessarily for the barge expansion, but will live with it if all noise and dust are under control. Pat Ormond said the city should be made aware of the falling property values at Foster’s Pt and Twain’s Landing, and subsequent reduced tax revenues. There was a discussion of what causes noise (unloading/dropping of pig iron onto a pile, then onto railroad cars). Sandy pointed out that in the last written zoning report, the conditions imposed on Jan 18, 2013 (time of day for operations, dust/noise limitations) must continue. Laurie moved that until an independent long-term noise study is done, and a dust abatement plan written, the EEAC objects to expansion of the barge facility; seconded. Motion passed with no objections. Bob Little will attend the hearing tomorrow and will express the EEAC’s position in requiring noise & dust monitoring/ abatement. It’s possible the vote will be extended until Sept. or Oct. Announcements – Jackie Weist • Shred Day July 27, sponsored by the Avondale Community Council at the Christian Academy 3771 Reading Rd. (near Dana). Food will be available (fundraiser) • EE Bumper stickers for sale Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at