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Monday, April 4, 2011

Upcoming Events - Spring 2011


Mon, Apr 4: Monthly Council Mtg. LeBlond Rec Center 7pm

Tues, Apr 5: Oasis RR Open House. LeBlond Rec Center 5-8pm

Thurs, Apr 14: Ohio River Trail Bike Path Open House. LeBlond Rec Center 4-7 pm. Morgan Heilman from ORT will be among the presenters.

Sat, April 16: Great American Clean-Up. Check-in at LeBlond Rec Center. 7:30 am. Contact Ruth Coon to volunteer: 478-1678

Thurs., Apr 19: Meet N Greet. Tostados 6:30 pm. (with residents of Columbia-Tusculum and Linwood)

Sun, May 1: Flying Pig Marathon. Volunteers needed for the Party Zone by Riverview Academy. Call Nick: 202-3251

THANKS to Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, Councilwoman Laure Quinlivan and NSP director Rick Dieringer for arranging to have dumpsters & water spraying at our flooded areas (including the Memorial Gardens).