EEAC MINUTES – Monday, APRIL 4, 2011
Call to Order - Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Fifteen people were in attendance, including 12 residents and 3 guests. Contact:
Police Report - Detective Kelley MacBeth (substituting for Office Love) presented crime stats in the East End for March 2011. Seven crimes were reported: breaking & entering (3), burglary (1), felony larceny (2), felony assault (1). She pointed out that in general crime has not gone up – some East End crimes are perpetrated by different generations in the same families. We should keep our eyes on vacant properties for copper theft. Jackie said that iron from SORTA property was taken today. It is easy for thieves to sell stolen metals and jewelry (without an ID). Betty Burns reported that someone stealing metal from the riverfront told her that police told him to go ahead and steal it because it wasn’t worth much. Ruth Coon said that people are taking the chain off the Site station. Det. MacBeth pointed out that the East End has lots of police presence, as they drive downtown on Riverside (sometimes 5 times/day). She will share our comments with Officer Love. Contact:
Melisse May attended a District 2 community meeting on Mar 30. Her biggest take-away was the suggestion to keep tempting stuff out of sight. Officer Love gave an update on the homeless in the 3300 block of Riverside. Drug-free zones were not addressed at the District 2 meeting; there was discussion about where there are drug-free signs in the East End (Gladstone? Riverview East Academy?). There will be another District 2 community meeting in 3 months.
LeBlond Report - Jeff Sepate, director, gave an update on the LeBlond pool, scheduled to be closed (as are all 19 city pools). To keep it open, $25,000 from the community is due April 15. To date, for all city pools a total of $95,000 has been raised; the city is hopeful about getting corporate funding. However, LeBlond is on the bottom of 4 priority tiers, so we would have to raise our own money. Ruth attended two Cinti Rec Commission meetings about city pools, and is not hopeful about getting city money. Plans for a spray pool have been eliminated; Laurie Keleher said that at least we got an agreement that they would not take out the pool. Jamie Cecil from Columbia Tusculum said $25,000 is hard to raise, and suggested starting to fund raise for next year. Melisse attended a meeting about the Mt. Adams pool, which is considering privatization. They are raising money through a pub crawl, movies in the park, Tshirts, silent auctions, house tours, etc. They learned a lot from a previous “Save the Pool” movement.
Jeff said that LeBlond was renovated 6 years ago, but there’s never been a marquis sign (one of the few rec centers without one). He thinks about 9000 vehicles pass by per day. Most signs cost $3000; he has an idea for one for $500 (non-electric). CRC may merge with the Cinti Park Board, so there is reluctance to put in a sign that would have to be replaced. Laurie said that the CRC previously told LeBlond that it wasn’t allowed to have a sign in this time of change. Lou suggested a sign with a temporary logo (like road/park signs with a place for the name of the current governor). Laurie asked that Jeff present a sign proposal to us before our next meeting, as well as permission from the CRC. Michael Bolen asked for operating costs of LeBlond: approximately $134,000 (unofficial).
Jeff suggested LeBlond reposition itself as a rowing center, by promoting the gym, and by having Columbia-Tusculum residents use the center more.
Secretary’s Report -The March 7, 2011 minutes were accepted & filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report - Sandy Hoover presented the 4.4.2011 balance sheet ($31,543.13 in total liabilities and equity), and our ‘Actual vs. Budget Profit & Loss’ report ($-55.28). Contact:
City Liaison Report - Laurie and Jackie attended the Neighborhood Summit on April 3 at Xavier University; over 1000 people were in attendance. Laurie & Jamie gave a presentation on building collaboration between the East End and Columbia-Tusculum, emphasizing strengths and weaknesses of both communities. It was well-received (applause!). They attended sessions on traffic, walkability, sustainability, etc. presented by professionals; Laurie was disappointed with the level of participation allowed.
Laurie got support for flood clean-up from Keep Cinti Beautiful, Rick Dieringer of Invest in Neighborhoods, and Marvin Hawkin from Councilwoman Laure Quinlivan’s office. Although it took a while for city entities to understand that this is a city function, six dumpsters and a hose spray were provided. Laurie thinks this sets a good precedent, and was successful because EEAC provided labor and is a known organization. Betty Burns & Ruth shared how the city supported (and did not support) flood clean-up in 1997.
There is an Open House tomorrow (April 5) 5-8 pm at LeBlond on Oasis RR commuter rail. The proposal is to have 10 stations; one in the East End (Pendleton/St. Andrew?) and one in Columbia-Tusculum. Laurie thinks the meeting may be scheduled mainly because the State of Ohio wants to build a bridge on the Red Bank extension. Betty has extensive traffic studies from 2002; this is a continuation of a master plan developed then. She added that the East End has opposed previous commuter rail initiatives. Lew Seiler encouraged everyone to attend; he estimates that 17,500 train trips/year would result. Safety, air pollution, property values, etc. would be affected. He suggested we take a position on this next month.
There will be an Open House on the Ohio River Trail Bike Path, Thurs, Apr 14th at LeBlond from 4-7pm. Contact:
Ruth said that there is a new site “Eastern Talk” on Face Book with wonderful pictures posted from East End/Columbia-Tusculum.
NSP Report - In Patrice Allen’s absence, Jackie presented the following:
Adopt a Block – 60 letters seeking volunteers have been sent out; some have already been returned with “yes”. Kickoff is on May 15 at 4:30 at Maribelle’s.
• Patrice & Bob Allen, Carol Grasha, and Joe Corcoran & crew dug up 120 daylilies from an off-ramp being repurposed to replant May 14-15 and 21-22 10am-1pm in our neighbor-hood, starting on Kemper Lane. Volunteers are needed. Waivers from SORTA and I&O RR have been received; I&O may donate a dumpster.
• Perrino Nurseries are donating 3 garden site plans for signs at Kemper, Collins and at Delta/Kellogg. They may also donate a truck for a weekend to haul away brush at stone wall & other sites Joe & crew have cut.
• The Urban Forestry Dept. has finished planting boulevard trees near LeBlond; will install 3 redbuds near Delta/ballfields; have ordered redbuds for Kellogg from Stanley to Delta; will order oak trees for Delta alongside of road at Riverview East Academy; will start a 5 yr plan to install crab apples & other trees in boulevards along Kellogg from the Little Miami to Stanley (they will need our help in securing permission from owners).
Neither Duke nor I&O RR claim responsibility for damage done to the Pendleton roof and Fuel mural in recent bushwacking cleanups. Perhaps SORTA or the City are responsible. Patrice & Laurie are continuing their investigation
NSP funds – EEAC will receive $2500 this year. Already committed is $300 for the newsletter and $750 for cooperative projects with Columbia-Tusculum (Make a Difference Day, lighting at pedestrian tunnel on Stanley - Duke will light tunnel from one of their poles - etc). Also proposed are: $300 for EE garden district (tool maintenance, lawn mower gas, tires), $1150 for EE gateway gardens at Kemper/ Riverside and/or Delta/Kellogg. Jerry Burns said that any resident may vote (regardless of membership status); Laurie pointed out that the vote must be announced beforehand. Laurie moved that we wait until the sign bid comes in from LeBlond. Motion passed unanimously. Contact: Patrice at
Columbia-Tusculum Liaison Report – In Nick Motz’ absence, Jackie reminded attendees about the Flying Pig Party Zone which we are hosting across from Riverview East Academy on the morning of Sunday, May 1st. Volunteers are needed; EEAC gets $1000 for this project.
Laurie said that someone would come to explain the view corridor/hillside overlay proposal. Betty explained the “bottom concept.” Contact:
Community Relations - Melisse spoke with Monica Miller, Riverview East Academy PR person, who explained the Power Pack program. It provides nutritious food for 47 students in Gr. K-8 from Riverview East Academy to take home for the weekend. Cost is $140/child per school year, for a total of $5000. A foundation can provide half the funding; Columbia Tusculum is contributing $1250. Melisse moved that we also provide $1250 from our savings. Motion passed unanimously;
Great-American Cleanup - Ruth spoke about the Great American Cleanup on April 16 at 7 am. Juice & coffee; plastic gloves & bags, and pizza afterwards will be provided. LeBlond will be our neighborhood headquarters. Teams will leave at 8 and be back by noon. Laurie & Jackie have identified areas needing the most cleanup, and will post a map on the blog – volunteers can ask for specific sites. The churches have committed to cleaning up three blocks on either side of their buildings. Volunteers should call Ruth if they find something potentially dangerous; Hazmat has been available that day in the past. No one should go over the riverbank; that can wait until Riversweep in May. Do not go on private property. We’ve removed an average of 200 tires/year. Contact: or Ruth’s cell phone 478-1678 (no voice mail, but texts accepted)
Ohio RiverTrail Opening Festivities – Laurie announced that the ceremony will be held at the new parking lot across from Lunken airport entrance on Tuesday, April 26. Riverview East Academy K-Gr. 2 students have been invited to walk the half-mile there, but teachers have asked for busses for safety reasons. Laurie moved we do not fund busses. Passed unanimously. Laurie will suggest alternatives to bussing to the school.
Announcements - Next newsletter deadline is Apr 15. Contact Betsy Urban to provide articles and information:
Monica at Riverview East Academy will get students to be our Soap Box Derby participants.
Next Meet N Greet will be Tues, April 19th at Tostados – 6:30. Residents from Columbia-Tusculum and Linwood will also participate
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:40.