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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dec 2011 EEAC Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, December 5, 2011

Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. There were 26 people in attendance, including 17 residents. Contact:

Secretary’s Report
Barb Rider supplied copies of the November 7, 2011 minutes; they were accepted and filed. Contact:

Treasurer’s Report
Sandy Hoover presented the Dec 5, 2011 balance sheet (including $26,599.48 in total liabilities and equity). Contact:


• Police Report - Officer Love‘s report (created Dec 5) included incidents from areas neighboring the East End. Officer Love said that crime is down in District 2; the East End, Linwood and California are one of the lowest crime areas. 40% of crime is theft from auto. She highlighted a Tusculum Ave. theft of tools and electronics from a locked vehicle, valued at approx. $3000. She cautioned residents about having online purchases delivered to their homes, as packages are being stolen from porches. She suggested that purchases be delivered to the workplace or to a relative who is usually home, or ask that a signature be required at delivery. There was an arrest of two people from Columbia-Tusculum fleeing to Norwood; possibly they were stealing from porches. Catalytic converters are another prime target now. The value of the converter is $50-80, but the repair cost to the owner of the damaged vehicle is $1500-1800. Be alert to the sounds of saws to metal. She also suggested being vigilant when putting purchases in your car, and then leaving; thieves are watching for these opportunities. Because of this, police are putting in overtime this time of the year in shopping areas. Michael Bolan asked about AC theft (thieves looking for copper). Some people don’t notice the theft in the winter, causing a spike of reporting in the spring.

• LeBlond Report – Jeff Sepate, Director
With the re-purposing of the LeBlond Recreation Center, Jeff is being transferred to the West End. He reported that items no longer used at LeBlond (bins and food) were given to Tusculum. He introduced the new director, Elaine Kazin from CRC. She has been a supervisor for the Division of Therapeutic Services for 10 years. The office move will occur on Dec. 19th with 8 full-time staff at LeBlond. The staff mostly work off-site in 26 other recreation centers. Elaine explained that a goal is to increase traffic at LeBlond; she is looking for ideas. Only 6-7 people per day use the fitness center now. Katie will still be assigned here, and will manage the summer day camp. The pool will remain open; only two will be closed city-wide. There is talk about making the LeBlond pool more accessible and attractive. They are also looking at a different use for the grounds around the Center (parking, etc). Accessible swings are being added, as well as an automatic door. She thanked Jeff for his hard work at LeBlond.

• Urban Greens – Ryan Doan presented information about the garden he and others have been working in at 234 Strader. They had a good year, raising 2000 pounds of food. He thanked the neighbors for putting up with them and apologized for people slacking off as the year went on. He said we are lucky to have Joe to bring in people and events, and wants to be more involved with neighbors. The fence is to keep out animals, not neighbors. He is trying to find a system that works. They will be back next year; 15 families are involved and have formed a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) called Urban Greens, selling shares for $500 (no work requirement) and $250 (50 hours of work - committee, seed transport, weeding, etc ). There is now a manager (Kevin). Next year’s goals include having the garden look not so industrial; and keeping it clean. Outside of the garden will be food for neighbors to access; food will be free or discounted for East End families. The three year goal is to transition the garden manager to an East End resident. One of the CSA members is on the Corps of Engineers, and gives 2 week forecasts. The garden is located at 58 ft. river level; the river came up to 56’ last spring. In preparation for the CSA, Ryan has taken classes on community gardening. He is looking for tools, extra seeds, etc. He is looking forward to working with Michael Bolan on new technology. Ryan understands and appreciates the work of the EEAC; he is treasurer of Mt. Washington Community Council.

• BrewRiver GastroPub – Jody Bowman-Shields (not present – no report)

Vice President Report – Michael Boland. Contact:
Michael said he is ready to go with the first historical sign commemorating areas of significance in the East End. The proposed signage would consist of photos and narrative printed on stainless steel of legal paper size, similar to signs currently located in Eden Park. They could possibly be installed on stands crafted by East End artisans. He will develop a prototype for about $300. Kevin Perkins volunteered to do the welding. Laurie suggested choosing locations first; she said metal poles/installation could cost $1500@. Right-of-way restrictions with the city need to be explored. Michael will look into this further and make a recommendation to the board.

Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact:
The November 15 Meet and Greet at Adenine, 3251 Riverside, was a big success. The 39 people (outside of the EEAC Board) who volunteered in the East End in 2011 were invited and honored.

City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
• There will be a pre-prosecution hearing on Thursday, Dec. 8 on the disrepair of the old Highlands School (currently for sale). Owner David Imboden has received a list of everything that needs to be fixed by mid-January.
• Laurie attended the annual NSP holiday event. Council members attended and spoke about form-based code. Laurie will go to Nashville in March to explore this and what it means to us.
• Laurie also went to a meeting with the city manager. MSD is evaluating its finances because of all the federally mandated sewer upgrades. There is a hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 11:30 on E. Court St.
• A synopsis of the EE Garden District Development (extending from Riverview East Academy to the Pendleton Heritage Center) was distributed (and was also sent to the Civic Garden Center). Within the district is the current garden area in the immediate Strader area, which is being referred to as “The Gardens”. To develop a master plan, meetings are being held at the Pendleton to share information and gauge response and interest of neighbors. The first two are Thursdays, Dec 15 and 29 from 6-8 pm. Laurie encouraged residents, especially neighbors toThe Gardens, to attend the meetings and give input on what they want (e.g. public space gardens? revolving activity space? what kind of fences?). She will be walking through the neighborhood to get residents involved. Laurie explained the stakeholders in developing and implementing a master plan: the EEAC sets guidelines in the beginning, then steps out. Residents will then work with the Office of Environmental Quality and the Civic Garden Center. Later, we will work with the Corps of Engineers. Questions and comments included: asking where fellow residents stand (Joe Corcoran), zoning related to compost, flooding issues and regulations (Betty Burns), ‘bullying’ of residents (Laurie assured that this cannot happen). Laurie again encouraged residents to attend the Pendleton meetings this month to express opinions and learn more. She would appreciate emails from those planning to attend. A toolkit will be available for private property owners. Sam from the Civic Garden Center will be working with the Riverview East Academy.

NSP Funds – Jackie Weist,(in the absence of a chairperson).
Unexpectedly, the EEAC WILL receive $5000 in NSP funds in 2012. Jackie expressed how much she appreciates the support of city manager, Milton Dohoney, who attended two meetings with neighborhood leaders and listens attentively to their concerns.

Columbia/Tusculum Report – Nick Motz, chair. Contact: (no report)

Business Committee - Bob Little, chair. Contact
There will be an article with photos about the East End in the next Venue Magazine.

Recycling - Michelle and Kevin Perkins. Contact
Our application is ready to go for the Recycle Challenge. We are fully registered; there is a meeting with Sue Magnus on Thursday. The goal is to get back unused recycling carts – or start using them.

New Business
• The 2012 budget was presented. Jackie explained that one of the goals for the future is to “brand” the East End to increase visibility and community pride. George Beatty spoke on the condition of the Ohio River Trail near Corbin. He said the tracks are not being cleaned of leaves, and dogs are off leash (usually on Saturdays). The dog issue will be mentioned to Officer Love; the Ohio River Trail is a state issue.

Kevin Perkins moved that the budget be adopted. There was discussion about approving NSP funds before the proposal is more defined with multiple bids from city-approved vendors (e.g. are banners $200@; signs $300@; what is the cost of posts?). Marvin Hawkin from Councilwoman’s Laure Quinlivan’s office suggested preparing drawings & getting in touch with city vendors for the fabrication and installation of signs, and getting city right-of-way approval. Historical markers were recently done for Evanston ($3000) and downtown ($1600). There is no rush to approve the EEAC NSP plan this month. The next NSP peer review will be Jan 12 (Laurie will attend), but we do not have to have our proposal ready for that time. Laurie suggested we present the general budget and recommended usage for the NSP funds in February, and vote approval for the NSP funds in March. That should give us time to submit our proposals
for an NSP peer review in March as well. The general fund budget can be approved in February when presented. The EEAC meeting should be advertised with a sign and in the newsletter, with prior notice of NSP proposed spending. Kevin withdrew his motion. Nick moved that we postpone budget approval until February. It was seconded and anonymously approved.

• Bryan Phillips reported on his Facebook page, CincinnatiEastEndColumbia-Tusculum&Linwood. 500 people “like” the site. He has 1000 photos of the East End, including many of the 1937 flood . Contact:

• Nominating Committee – Laurie Keleher & Nick Motz.
All current officers (with the exception of Patrice Allen, NSP rep, who moved out of the East End) agreed to serve for another year. There were no nominations from the floor. Written ballots were distributed to 13 eligible residents, and collected and counted by Laurie & Nick. Michelle Perkins received a write-in vote for NSP rep, and agreed to serve as alternate, learning from Laurie about how the city processes work. Newly elected officers signed an agreement to take office and were sworn in by Michelle.

• Bryan Phillips asked why there are 2 different dates on the EE signs; this has been noted by others recently. Melisse suggested that we go with the earlier date.

Jackie announced that there will not be a January meeting. Next mtg is Monday, Feb 6 at 7PM at LeBlond Rec Center.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

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