EEAC MINUTES – Monday, OCTOBER 03, 2011
Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Eighteen people were in attendance, including 13 residents. Contact:
Secretary’s Report Barb Rider presented the September 12, 2011 minutes; they were accepted & filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report Sandy Hoover presented the 10.3.11 balance sheet (including $25,296.86 in total liabilities and equity). We’ll be getting NSP income from the city soon, as we have submitted all receipts. We were charged $17 because our savings fell under $5000. Contact:
• Police Report Officer G. Love said the crime report is better than during the summer; from Sept 3-29 there was just one breaking & entering (plus 7 thefts and 2 burglaries). There was much news coverage last week concerning a body found in a house at Riverside and Wenner; it is still under investigation. The person in question is in jail on a previous conviction. The CRC is sponsoring free swim lessons in Mt. Auburn Tues & Thurs 7-8pm in dedication of two Roselawn brothers who recently drowned. Transportation is not yet available. Ruth Coon and three others asked about increased traffic on Riverside; Officer Love was unaware. Others think it may be due to construction on I-471. Betty Burns asked if the homeless situation has been checked; she saw two teenagers coming out of the woods across from the abandoned Site station to go to the bus stop this morning; there is a now a defined pathway. Jackie asked Officer Love to check it out. Contact: 478-1678 (texts OK, no voice mail).
• LeBlond Report - Jeff Sepate, director reminded us about Trunk or Treat on Oct 21st. Volunteers are needed. Money and candy donations are being accepted at LeBlond. Contact
• Mayor’s Recycling Bank Challenge – Sharon Smith, Cinti Office of Environmental Quality, promoted the bi-weekly recycling program. Neighborhoods can earn money by participating ($100 for applying for the challenge; $250 for increasing recycling by 10%; $100 by identifying misused recycling carts; $1000 for being one of the top three neighborhoods to increase Recycle Bank registrations). Level of participation in the EE is 65%; city-wide average is 70%. 419 bins were distributed to the EE; we’ll be provided a list of EEers who aren’t recycling. The official launch is Nov 15th. Call 591-6000 to get old green bins picked up. Kevin Perkins will be our challenge contact person. It was mentioned that are some vacant buildings with recycling carts; these would be ones we report as being misused. Contact or
• Alex Kuhns, candidate for CPS school board, spoke and distributed literature. He is running with incumbents Eve Bolton & Chris Nelms.
Vice President Report – In Michael Bolan’s absence, there was no report.
Community Relations Report - Melisse May, chair.
The Sept Meet N Greet at Pendleton went well. Thanks were given to Jeff for grilling, and to Melisse for purchasing all food items and prizes - and for organizing the event.
The Oct Meet N Greet (3rd Tuesday at 6:30) will be hosted by Columbia Tusculum Council at Tusculum Pizza on Kellogg.
Connie Greene will be the next East End Idol for keeping up the Kemper/Riverside garden area. Greg Suffridge was recognized in the last newsletter.
Melisse is working on the best possible signs to advertise community events to be purchased with $2000 in the next budget.
Melisse asked for neighbors on Hoff to get that area cleaned up – they are already mowing and cleaning up. There is lots of brush blocking views and creating security issues. Melisse has found a volunteer to cut the brush, and asked for approx $40 for gas.
City Liaison Report –Laurie Keleher, chair was not present. Jackie gave the report. Contact:
We still need before/after pictures of the Garden Area. Joe Corcoran suggested having an EEAC meeting next year in the Garden District.
NSP funds – Patrice Allen. Contact:
There will be no NSP next year.
Patrice said that a 5Star award nomination will be made for Scott Davidson.
The kick-off event for Keep Cincinnati Beautiful will be our project with CT
Adopt-A-Block: 95 trees are going in (60 redbuds) near Stanley to Delta on Kellogg by Riverview East Academy.
Milton Dohoney will take questions from area councils on Oct 25 at 6pm at NSP offices at the Fire Museum on 9th St. Patrice will attend.
TheKemper Rd. entrance planting of 300 daffodils & daylily bulbs will be at 7:30AM Sat, Oct 22 and 9-11AM Sun, Oct. 23rd.
Columbia/Tusculum Report – Nick Motz was absent, so Jamie from CT gave the report on KCB activities on Oct 22, focusing on the tunnel on Eastern Ave. and the business area. Weeding, picking up trash and common areas in the wedge (included in both neighborhoods will occur. KCB will provide volunteers. Its press conference will be in the bike trail parking lot across from Lunken at 8:30-9AM. Nick has gotten ideas from the landscape company Forever Green.
Patrice said that Linwood and CT are joining our Adopt-A-Block program. This will help more businesses to get involved with sign recognition.
Old Business:
• Nominating Committee – Chairs Nick & Laurie were absent; there was no report.
• Riverview East Academy – Adopt-a-Class was not recommended by the EEAC Board; the CT business association and some individuals have adopted two classes; one is left. Patrice suggested talking to Lin Yates, principal about other things they need.
New Business
• Proposed Budget was presented. A motion to accept the proposed $2880/$4500 budget was made by Kevin Perkins.
• Fundraising ideas – Bob Little, Economic Development chair, is looking into these Contact:
• EE identity ideas: Barb Rider suggested that the EE could welcome new businesses; promote the EE during Tall Stacks; advertise EE on river (i.e. WaterWorks wall mural)
• MSD Strategic Plan meeting in Sharonville Tuesday Oct 25th 7:30 am – 2 projects (one at Wedge) upcoming
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:10.
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