Sunday, September 30, 2012
Aug 2012 EEAC Minutes
EEAC MINUTES – Monday, August 6, 2012
Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the LeBlond Recreation Center on Riverside Drive. There were approximately 50 people in attendance, including 24 residents. Contact:
Secretary’s Report
Barb Rider ‘s copies of the July 2012 minutes were circulated; no edits were suggested, so the July minutes were filed as written. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report
No expenditures or income in the past month.
Police Report – In the absence of Officer Love, Detective McBeth, District 4 Mt. Washington, gave the monthly crime report, mostly thefts from auto. Two thieves have been apprehended. Some kayaks were set loose and found downriver. Golf carts were taken. Det. McBeth lives in this part of town, and stays here because of the safety of the area. National Night Out is tomorrow night at Owl’s Nest in O’Bryonville. Paperwork has been submitted for the police substation; there will be a special event on Strader; those types of events are usually approved.
LeBlond Recreation Center
Director Alayne Kazin reported that she’s been here 5 months. There are 75 summer day- campers. The LeBlond master plan includes a track, warm water pool, enhanced parking lot, playground, outdoor shelter. A $6million fundraising campaign will be needed; kickoff will be next month; all will be financed privately. She contacted Chris Bingham from CRC about the adjoining vacant school property. He said the property is listed for $700,000; the CRC can spend only $150,000, so cannot purchase it.
Stewart Barge Facility
There will be a hearing on Wed, Aug 8th at 2 Centennial Plaza at 5:30.
Guest Tom Wilson, resident of Twain’s Point in the 1000 block of Riverside Dr.: He wants EEAC support to oppose the zoning change request of 30 acres from planned development to manufacturing. He and his neighbors adamantly oppose this re-zoning. He presented a timetable: 2004-06: residents moved into Twain’s Point. 2008: PB46 Cinti Barge & Rail Terminal (a barge-to railcar operation) began constructing a dock/barge facility to receive and ship pig iron. 2010: CB&RT started sporadically unloading barge cargo onto railcars. 2011: regular unloading of barges, and loading of railcars. Problems:
• Noise from dumping pig iron onto the conveyer belt at river and onto RR cars. The loader measures 70 DB, and runs constantly. 80 DB is the noise level of 2 Harleys racing. Every 10 DB doubles the noise. Normal conversation is 50 DB, so it is difficult to make yourself heard on residents’ decks. Hrs of operation 7AM-7PM.
• Dust – during a recent thunderstorm, it looked “biblical”.
• Railcars - Rusted, 2 of 3 are covered with graffiti, and placed in front of condos. Could they be parked elsewhere?
• This is not what the city envisioned when the development was planned. He read aloud a Board of Revision report from the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office to show that property values have been lowered at Twain’s Point.
Someone asked on where the east end of the Stewart property is. (Answer: include the Allied property, but not the Johnson property).
Resident, Riverfront Terrace: motorcycle noise on Riverside is worse than barge facility.
Jerry Krause, Kingston House (with 36 residents) on Bond’s Place: She can see the Stewart dock from her dining room. It was zoned residential, then residential T (transitional). PD (planned development zoning) was before 2006. Four zoning extensions were granted, even though the zoning code says you can have just one. The barge facility was given a 3 months zoning “reprieve". If the PD expires, it reverts to riverfront residential. She is worried about hazardous materials, especially from fracking. There was recently a benzene spill in the EE.
Joe Corcoran, EE resident: His family has lived in the EE for 126 years. Business has been in the EE forever; this is a river town/train town. The Stewarts are helping bring in steel to make cars.
Phil McManus, Twain’s Point/Towne Properties: Dust is real There are code violations. If manufacturing is permitted, other things will be allowed on the 30 acres. The city’s mission “to bring the river on Eastern Ave. back to the people (residents, bikers, drivers)” 30 years ago was led by George Stewart, Allen Zaring, and City Council. Train cars are now parked in front of the beautiful Friendship Park. The Stewarts should talk to residents as Vice Mayor Qualls asked them to. This is a reversal of 30 years of development. Has George Stewart has changed his mission?
Jeff Stewart, owner of barge facility: Provided Sawyer Place Co. history, including its agree-ment with Friendship Park. They acquired over 100 abandoned properties. Some product goes out by truck. They are replacing trucks. First operations are 7:30-8:30 Saturdays only. There is a sound wall on the loading facility. OKI statistics state that 30,000 cars pass Twain’s Point daily. Barge facility is 75-100 ft from Twain’s Pt. Sound tests are within decibel limits. Zoning code violations are filed with the Cinti Bldg Dept.
Tim Rowdy, terminal general manager: He has 40 years of barge terminal work. 2008 business plan: refurbish & remodel for $several million. They procured all necessary federal, state & local licenses. They do business with Fortune 50 & 500 companies. They provide mid- to higher paying jobs/benefits. They are attractive to their customer base because of their location on the physical ground above the flood plain (their competition shuts down operations when the river level reaches 52 ft.…CBRT can operate to 60 ft river level ). They ship out with rail and truck within a 300 mile shipping radius. They are proud of their facility, and encourage people to visit (but call first).
Marilee Stillpass: Stated the area has been rezoned several times. CBRT was zoned RF2 when purchased, then R5 (city changes in zoning terminology). In 2003, Sawyer Place/Adams Landing was zoned PD/mixed use residential & commercial development, then the tenant vacated. They are operating in a Planned Development District/RFM, not planned development zone.
Other questions/comments:
• Where is competition? (Answer: on west side)
• Jim, Resident: Why load railcars on Saturday morning, just to have cars sit all weekend? (Answer: Railcars can only go east to west. An order to transport is placed with I&O RR to pick them up, and the barge facility has no control over when they come).
• Melisse May, EEAC: What are the decibel readings when unloading/loading the pig iron? Would he be able to share them? (Answer: Can’t remember exactly, and didn’t bring them, but have readings available elsewhere and is willing to share).
Why is the zoning change for all of the 30 acres owned by the Stewarts, and not just the barge facility property?
• Ruth Coon, resident: High-powered boats on the river are noisier then the barge facility. Eastern Ave. has always been industrial. People on the hills caboshed high develop-ment. The tracks, trucks & barges have always been there.
• Why not change zoning before you built the barge facility? PD zone expires every year. If not approved, then it will be zoned recreation. (Jackie: Referred people to zoning meeting to get answers to these questions).
• Laurie Keleher, EEAC: City has changed zoning terminology. Planning Commission imposed lengths of zoning periods.
Are you willing to do more sound or noise abatement, if that is what it takes to be a good neighbor?
What track do you own? (Answer: Rookwood Terminals - used to be Cinti Railways. The barge facility does not lease other tracks. I&O picks it up and moves it to their tracks).
Do you intend to extend your facilities? (Answer: Two buildings - one in full-time use, other in part-time use. We own the Joseph Beth bldg. Public hearing would be necessary to move cars to JB building).
• Betty Zink, resident – Where do you want them to go?
• Resident/barge captain: Worked at terminal behind Site station for John Beatty, beginning in 1964. Owns Queen City Riverboats, and has eaten dust of the Dayton Levee project for 2 years. Raised in East End. He brought in 2000 barges himself. Rookwood Oil used to unload oil at the current barge facility site.
City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
The Eastern Corridor update/discussion will be on the agenda next month
Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact:
• Consumer Energy Alliance & their energy audit providers were present at the July Meet & Greet. The Sept M&G will be on Sept. 18 at 6:30 at the Irish Heritage Center.
• Health - Dental healthcare in the EE is good. Air pollution is a challenge. The Public Health Group will be coordinating health issues. They are currently surveying residents and providers, and will be trying to make health care more efficient and coordinated.
• A list was passed around for those who want the newsletter mailed to their home. The sign-up will also be available at the BBQ on Aug 18 - Jackie
Recycling program – Michelle Perkins.
The Mayor’s Recycling Challenge was to be finished by April, but there was a systematic problem in the scanning system. Whenever a citizen got a new cart, it was to count in our favor. There were also 5000 undeliverable postcards. As a result, there were no winners, although this took lots of effort. She last spoke to them in early July; there is no news since then.
Columbia Tusculum – Nick Motz, liaison
• 3E business group currently has 50 members
• Charlene Myers – Riverview Academy new principal
Demolition of Highlands Heritage School. Not on O’Rourke’s schedule. Rep from Park Natl Bank declined invitation to speak. Historic designation not granted because it’s on a flood plain.
EEAC has done as much as we can do. Lew Seiler sent letter opposing demolition of school.
• EE BBQ, Aug 18 – Parade at 8:00 AM beginning at the Irish Community Center. Music at noon. Bring desserts. Mary Beth Wilkers has 6 confirmed crafters. Contact: 615-6003.
• Councilwoman Yvette Simpson will visit the East End on Aug 15, 6 PM, picnic table at LeBlond.
• Plan Cincinnati master plan will be unveiled Aug 30 6PM. Last spring we attended charettes held for this process, but the EE was not included as a neighborhood.
• Traffic lanes on Riverside will be changing Aug 10. Hopefully, this will calm traffic.
• Kroger in Walnut Hills may be closing. Try to shop on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 4-8PM. Turn in receipts over $25, and you can request products for them to stock.
• Ruth Coon asked how to get a ballfield named after someone. She suggested naming the Riverview East Academy ballfield after Mr. Brown, who was a beloved PE teacher/ coach in the East End for many years. It was suggested that she write a letter to CPS (not necessary to copy City Council, County Commissions, or City Hall). The more names on the petition, the better.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Next meeting: Monday, Sept. 10 at Pendleton Heritage Center at 7pm.
NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at