Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sept 2012 EEAC Minutes
EEAC MINUTES – Monday, Sept 10, 2012
Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Pendleton Heritage Center. There were 28 in attendance, including 17 residents. Jackie announced a change in the usual meeting format: the August minutes and financial reports are available, but will not be voted on. Contact Barb Rider for changes in the minutes, and Sandy Hoover for questions, etc. in the treasurer’s report. Contact:
DAPP student report – Melisse May & Michael Bolan
Melisse introduced 3 students from the University of Cincinnati DAAP program (Yua Wo, Lila Rasoulian, and Huniging Han) who are studying the East End. They presented their preliminary findings: existing conditions in the East End. Contact:
Tour w. Yvette Simpson – Melisse May
Councilwoman Yvette Simpson met a few weeks ago with East End leaders (Jackie, Melisse, Laurie Keleher, Michael, Joe Corcoran, Ruth Coon, and Betty Burns) outside LeBlond. Discussion included the Highland School being demolished, the importance of the East End, and our challenges. Councilwoman Simpson asked about our top three priorities. Melisse sent those to aide Kate Christoff after getting input from the EEAC Board: involving the East End in “place matters”, increasing the number of street trashcans, having more parking for our emerging business district, reducing the number of vacant properties, increasing police patrols/communication, and more funding. Long term goals include leveraging the jewel of the East End to other neighborhoods, and opening up LeBlond viewscapes (Melisse asked if anyone has past plans for this landscaping project). Longterm planning, versus knee-jerk reactions, is a goal. A tour of the East End, followed by dinner at Eli’s, was provided. Councilwoman Simpson mentioned the walkabout in her Sept 5 “Simpson in the City” newsletter; Kate Christoff said the East End walkabout was her favorite neighborhood visit. Contact:
Riverview East Academy – Charlene Meyers, new principal
Ms. Meyers, with resource coordinator Monica Miller, spoke about her goals. She is concerned because the REA went down a category in the State Report Card. It is important to identify and have partners, parents and staff focus on the same priorities: quality instruction, special needs students, increased parent involvement w. specific programs, staff morale, and attendance. The EEAC October 1 meeting will be at REA. Mrs. Meyers thanked us for being invited.
Hazen/Glenn Alley Garden Project – Tom Kahle, new resident
Tom presented a proposal to landscape a portion of the Hazen overlook, which the Greenes have cleared out and planted with 18 evergreen trees purchased by Randy and Sandy Hoover. The plan includes flower gardens with color, while preserving the view. Ruth said that the Greene’s work has kept neighborhood safer. The vote was unanimous to do the garden. Laurie will send the plan to the City, since we have revocable street privilege. Betty Burns asked if we could re-open a previous plan to have an overlook and canoe launch, etc. on Hazen; she asked if the property is private. (No, the riverbank there is owned by Johnson Electric).
Police Report - Officer Love was not present , but a written report was made available (14 thefts, 3 B&Es, 1 aggravated burglary, and 1 felonious assault). There will be no police sub-station at Pendleton, so AIG funds that were to pay for that need to be re-assigned. The money could be used to purchase surveillance mobile video cameras to loan to EE residents. Laurie made a motion to change the use of AIG funds from funding a police substation to purchase of cameras. The motion was seconded. Questions: Will the person requesting the camera monitor the footage? Will spending $650 on cameras result in a high enough quality to produce usable evidence? Do we need signs by the City that there is video monitoring ongoing? Nick Motz asked if AIG funds must be crime-related (No, but they must be spent by the end of the year). Could we spend on something else? Can private citizens have camera on their property? (Yes). Motion passed. Melisse & Laurie will look into cameras. Barbara Grace is concerned about procedures for borrowing cameras. Gail Silver suggested seeing how it goes.
LeBlond Recreation Center –
Director Alayne Kazin was not present. The effort to raise capital funds has begun; Melisse is serving on the fund-raising board. Phase I includes enlarging the parking lot, moving the ball-field, building an all-accessible playground and multi-purpose sports field, and incorporating the Ohio River Bike trail through the property. The razed school site could be used.
Columbia Tusculum Liaison – Nick Motz
There are now 50 members in 3East; some businesses still need to pay.
New Business:
• EE logo contest – Jackie
Newsletter editor Betsy Urban has suggested a contest to design an “I Love the East End” – type bumper sticker. Ruth Cain suggested advertising on our website.
• An East End Run was suggested by Bryan Phillips. The idea was on the EE Facebook page and got no responses. Jackie suggested that he bring this up again after Riverside Dr. resurfacing work is finished (next spring).
• Barry Ransick wrote about repair of sidewalks in front of Duke. A response was received that after the bike trail goes through the property, the sidewalks will be fixed.
• “Spring in our Steps” is a new City project to save old steps, alleys, and rock walls. Contact Christian Huelsman on Facebook if interested in joining in the effort. Jackie suggested we add wrought iron to the focus list.
City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
She will summarize the proposed transportation link in the newsletter or at the next meeting, so the EEAC can vote and take an official stand on this.
Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact:
The next Meet and Greet (for East Enders) is Tues, Sept 18 at 6:30 at the Irish Heritage Center on Eastern Ave, hosted by Maureen Sullivan. There will be a cash bar with snacks available.
• Fundraiser for American Legion Hall – This Sat, Sept 15 in the Garden District
• Bricks from Highland School – Ruth. Outside white bricks (not red brick) will be available for sale at Pendleton, as a fundraiser for the Pendleton Heritage Center. Jackie suggested she write this up for the newsletter.
• Queen City Bike Club – Bike2Baseball on Sept 23. This 1:05 Reds game may have been changed to an evening game, in which case the event may not happen.
• Wyatt’s Bar & Grill has opened in the Say Cheese location by the Antiques Mall on Kellogg. There may be a M&G there in the future.
• Cinti Human Relations Committee has a new Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator, Christina Brown. Contact:
• A public hearing on the City’s proposed 2013 Requested Consolidated Plan/Action Plan Budget will be Thurs, Sept 20 at 5:30 at City Council Chambers.
• A “ghost ride” through the East End was recently held to memorialize Andy Gast, killed near Lunken Airport while bike riding at 6AM on Aug 28.
Barb Grace is concerned with all the recent broken-out car windows (more than 50, she says). Laurie is going to call Councilwoman Simpson about the lack of police communication on this issue. Melisse suggested that residents call the sergeant – she’s always gotten a response. Barb also wondered why police did not question a man in a car for 2 weeks at Schmidt Park on St. Peter. Laurie talked about Citizens on Patrol. Should we consider a neighborhood watch program? Laurie will look into this with Officer Tucker. Jackie has contacted Sargeant Scholl.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Next meeting: Monday, Oct. 1 at Riverview East Academy at 7pm.
NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at