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Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 4, 2013 EEAC Mtg Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, March 4, 2013 Call to Order EEAC President Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 21 in attendance (12 residents). She thanked Laurie & Melisse for arranging for the new EEAC sign at the corner of Kellogg and Riverside; Barb, as secretary, will update the message. Contact: Secretary Report – Barb Rider The February 11, 2013 minutes were distributed and approved with 2 changes: LeBlond memberships are $2 for children and $10 for adults. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart (absent) The report was prepared by outgoing treasurer, Sandy Hoover (absent), distributed and approved. There is a total of $20,831.07 in liabilities and equity. The books were audited by Matt Ackermann, and “found to be current and in order.” Contact: Police Report – Officer Germaine Love and 2 colleagues (Offices Miller and McBeth) gave the February EE crime report: no thefts from auto, but other B&Es and thefts: at the Shell station (2 from safes), Jeff’s Auto, Tostados, LeBlond (soccer posts). There was also a gas drive off, a shoplifting complaint, and a gun taken from a resident on Strader. Arrests were made for 2 offenses. Officer Love will check on the broken chain and graffiti at the Site station, as reported by Ruth Coon. Ruth also said mail was taken out of mailboxes at 2400 Riverside. There will be 2 hearings to comment on re-licensing for the Inner Circle on Kellogg: April 2nd (2pm) and 16th (6pm). Officer Love advised that we attend in a big group: attending a hearing is the only way to officially comment. Contact: 979-4480. LeBlond Report – Alayne Kazin Usage of the rec center continues to increase; there were 60 people today. She handed out the March schedule. Alayne is hopeful about funding for renovation; they are looking for support from the Cinti Reds & PNC Bank to move the baseball field. She said they are trying to purchase the adjacent razed school property ($790,000 sale price). Betty Burns commented that St. Rose is also interested in buying the site for parking, and urged us to seek corporate help with the purchase. Contact: Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal (Amber Stewart-Brown, resource manager absent) Charlene said metal detectors were recently installed; they will be used periodically to check students and visitors. They can now activate alarms on doors during events. Next year there will be an extra security officer. Gr. 7-9 students were taken to the Romeo & Juliet at the Aronoff ($5 tickets); Charlene was a walk-on in the ballet! The goal next year is to have every grade level attend a cultural event (e.g. Lollipop Concert, Art Museum, Symphony, Ensemble Theatre). Student participation in Toastmasters is sponsored by their business partner, Great American. They are working on a Health Information Management curriculum for next yr; students will have dual enrollment/credits w. Cinti State. Volunteers are needed to cull library and text books now at REA that have come from McKinley and other closed CPS and reorganize their set-up. Contact: City Liaison - Laurie Keleher Neighborhood Summit at Xavier U. was very successful – the best ever – with attendance over 470. All sessions were filled, and there were stellar presenters on great topics. The organizers received positive feedback on having 2 levels for the sessions. They are focusing now on getting more students engaged in community work (Avondale has done a great job). At lunch, participants discussed what citizen engagement is. A goal is to have the city set policy and be more transparent. Laurie will bring summit data to the next meeting. Bike Facility – Duke is on schedule to be done with Riverside gas line installations in April. Microsurfacing will be scheduled for warmer weather. Some tie-ins to properties will be done next year. Betty and Ruth said they are having trouble with Duke gas tie-ins and sidewalk repairs. We’ll have a ribbon cutting/parade/fundraiser convening at Schmidt in August. Unleashed Dogs - Charlene said there are problems at REA with dogs running loose. CPS is installing a sign on the school sidewalk reminding dog owners of the leash law. This is a recurring problem at LeBlond & Schmidt, also. Maybe we need to have doggie bags/signage. City Budget – Kevin Perkins reported that the new city parking plan vote passed committee tonight after a 4 hr discussion. NSP funds are probably not in danger; this is a very community-friendly council. This is the ‘stub year’ (Jan-June before the new fiscal year begins). Eastern Corridor (rail commuter line) - There is a meeting on Mar 20 6-8pm at the Anderson Community Center on 5 Mile Rd. Laurie will meet with Lew Seiler & Betty to prepare a presentation to the EEAC board. Entertainment/Business District – CT has requested expansion of their business district (EE needs to be named – no problem), with the southern side of Eastern Ave. as part of CT. We need to piggy-back on CT’s business district – they’re giving us a chance to develop our borders. Laurie will meet with Columbia Tusculum and an attorney about how to set up an entertain-ment district. Ruth discussed historical EE borders. Laurie said we need to collaborate w. CT. Flying Pig – volunteer to work in the Party Zone (link in last newsletter); EEAC makes $1050. Paddle Fest – June 21-22 Keep Cincinnati Beautiful – Jackie Clean Up Day – Saturday morning, April 27. REA students are helping (even though it’s prom day) Bumper Stickers – available for $2. “Steamin' to Greatness” NSP report – Melisse May (absent) No report. Contact: 3 E Report – Nick Motz (absent) No report. Contact: Community Relations – Sandy Hoover (absent) The next Meet and Greet will be at BrewRiver on Tuesday, Mar 19 at 6:30 for EE, CT and Linwood. Contact: New Business Discussions - Jackie • There is a plan for a $1.2M residential/commercial project at the site of the East End Café on Eastern Ave. Contact: • Budget will be discussed at the next meeting. Melisse suggested that we add $200 to pay for our own URL and website; the current blogspot is not user-friendly. • Hoff Ave - Regine Moss, lifelong Hoff resident and a board member at Pendleton (meetings on 2nd Tuesdays), spoke. As the “Mayor of Hoff Ave”, she discussed beautifi-cation issues there. The area needs attention – complaints to the city haven’t done any good. There are tires, brush, and garbage bags left for months on the side of Hoff. Jackie said that Kate Cristoff (aide to Yvette Simpson) will be at the EEAC meeting next month; she made arrangements for a couch on Kemper to be picked up in 48 hrs. • Clean up – An offshoot of KCB will work in Strader area with Joe Corcoran on March 23. • Inner Circle - Pete Georgeton, owner (who previously owned Bogarts on Short Vine, Clifton for 15 years), spoke. The complex on Kellogg includes 15 acres – motel, flea market (240 vendors – 150,000 people/year), pub, and dance hall. It has been around since 1981. The license is up for renewal. There is capacity for 2900 people outside and 1054 inside. The last criminal incident was in 2009 (maybe 5 police runs since then). There are 8 off-duty police (5 cruisers) & 42 security people inside, as well as 15-45 employees each night. Everyone who comes in is ‘wanded’ for security reasons. There are 16 security cameras. The music is country western (no more hip hop). Patrick Ormond commented that Inner Circle is a regional draw to this community; should a community council have power to revoke the liquor license on a regional draw? Laurie said the record has not been bad, and she doesn’t want revocation of license. Pete said the captain of District 2 wants them to stay; he calls the police before a big event, and wants the opportunity to work with police. His former long-time secretary attended EEAC meetings for years. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at