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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 1 EEAC Mtg Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, April 1, 2013 Call to Order – Jackie Weist, EEAC President Jackie called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 16 in attendance (15 residents or business owners). Contact: Secretary Report – Barb Rider (absent) In Barb Rider’s absence, Ed Rider was appointed to take minutes at the meeting. The March 4, 2013 minutes were made available and approved later in the meeting (after the LeBlond report), giving all a chance to read them. Jackie made 2 changes: the EE bumper sticker says “Steamin’ (not ‘Steaming’) to Greatness”, and the $1800 checking deposit was $1050 from 2012 Flying Pig volunteering revenue and $750 from AIG. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart (absent) The March report was distributed and approved. Past treasurer, Sandy Hoover, said that 2012 NSP funds have been received. Melisse reported that the EEAC received a grant of $1500 from LISC. There is a total of $26,520.64 in liabilities and equity. Contact: Proposed Regular and NSP Budget – Melisse May , NSP and Sandy Hoover (outgoing treasurer) Sandy reviewed the various line items in the proposed budget. Michael Bolan described the historical metal signs that are proposed for funding. Melisse reviewed the proposed expenditures for the 2013 NSP, if the City funds the program in the coming year. This included $1624 for final sign payment, $76 for landscaping the area around the sign, and $800 for a shed and fencing for the Riverview East Academy teaching gardens. The new budget and NSP funding proposals will be voted on at the next meeting. Patrick Ormond raised a concern about getting more residents interested in the EEAC and suggested that a line item be created in the budget for this work. Sandy said that changing the budget at this point would be difficult given the vote required at the next meeting. She proposed that support for this work could be taken from the Miscellaneous or the Community Relations line items in the budget. Laurie Keleher suggested money could also come from the second half of the year’s NSP funds. Patrick Ormond agreed to develop a plan to publicize the EEAC and encourage participation; he will bring the plan and any associated costs for consideration at the next meeting. Contacts: and Police Report – Officer Germaine Love, accompanied by a CPD colleague gave the March EE crime report: 1 breaking and entering, 5 thefts and 1 aggravated robbery. Officer Love strongly encouraged the Council to fund a booth at this year’s National Night Out on August 6. The Police Department would like each community council in District 2 to run a booth. Cost is $40-$60 per booth. Office Love pointed out that the EEAC could use the opportunity to pass out literature and promote the Council at this event. Officer Love also handed out a flyer regarding the Medication Disposal Day on April 27 10am – 2pm. Closest drop off point for the East End is the Walgreen’s at 2203 Beechmont Ave. Jackie Weist and others raised continuing concerns about: • Unleashed dogs and owners not cleaning up after the dogs - problem at LeBlond, Schmidt and along the Ohio River Trail. Question was raised about how to get bags/posts available for cleanup similar to those in the Friendship Park. The ORT is a Cinti Recreation Comm. property. Alayne will look into this with the CRC. • Tires and other trash dumping in the EE, particularly on Hoff Ave. and by the city-owned building at Kemper & Riverside. Sandy will contact the city again about this problem. • Increasing amount of graffiti on abandoned buildings. • Trucks engine-breaking on Riverside. Additional signs will be looked into for Riverside Drive. Officer Love asked for a list of the areas with continuing trash dumping problems and encouraged everyone to alert the police whenever seeing a roaming dog or graffiti activity Contact: Officer Germaine Love - 979-4480. LeBlond Report Alayne Kazin - Director Alayne reported that there is a buyer for the adjacent razed school property, so the CRC will not have access to the site. The Marvin Lewis Foundation will sponsor a re-do of the playground in October. In August the baseball field will be moved and expanded, thanks to the Cinti Reds Community Fund & PNC Bank. The parking lot will be expanded, with a separate entrance and exit. Registration for summer day camp will begin soon. Overall membership is increasing. Contact: Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal and Amber Stewart-Brown, resource manager (absent) There was no report. Contact: Guests - Kate Christoff, Councilwoman Yvette Simpson’s aide (absent) There was no report. City Liaison - Laurie Keleher City Liaison Laurie attended a meeting with representatives from CT about the business district expansion and getting the entertainment district moving. She also met with Sam of REA garden about the fencing and shed. Contact: MSD – Michael Bolan, Vice President Michael Bolan reported that the Metropolitan Sewer District - as a part of the massive reworking of the sewer system to prevent sewage from being dumped into the river - has created an app called RecR8 that will be available in May. This app will inform boaters, fishermen, etc. about current water quality readings at various points along the river. Contact: 3 E Report – Nick Motz (absent) Jackie gave an update • Arrangements for the planting of flower pots and watering have been taken care of. Joe Corcoran will be hired by 3E Business District to water the plants. • The EEAC will again be staffing the East End Party Zone for Flying Pig. Contact: Old Business– Jackie Volunteers are needed for: • The East End clean-up (previously known as the Great American Cleanup Day) on Saturday morning, April 27. Reflective vests are needed for volunteers to wear. • Flying Pig Party Zone at Stanley and Eastern, Sunday morning, May 5th. Announcements – Jackie Weist • There is a Green Umbrella meeting on Friday, May 3rd 8am-1pm at Crossroads Church in Oakley, as Brewster Rhodes reported to Jackie. • A fundraiser for the August EE BBQ will be held on Sunday, May 5th 1-6pm. Joe Corcoran reported to Jackie that there will be food, music and an auction. Gift donations are needed. New Business – Rev. John Henson , Pastor of Cornerstone Pentecostal Church at 2106 Riverside, asked for an update on the timing of completion of the bike facility on Riverside. Laurie said that the work is expected to be completed between June and August this year. Rev. Henson then expressed a number of strong concerns about the effect of this change on his congregation and on the value of his property and the lack of response from the City, including: • Location of the bus stop in front of his building • Lack of parking spaces, particularly during funerals • Overall safety of people getting in and out of cars • Brew River employees parking in front of his church and using all the available spaces. Laurie offered to talk to the Brew River management about employee parking. Signs to reserve parking during funerals was another suggestion. Several others suggested he continue to contact the City Transportation Department with his concerns. It was pointed out, however, that while many residents had similar concerns, the EEAC has approved the plan and would not be reconsidering this decision. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at