Monday, October 14, 2013
Aug 5, 2013 EEAC Mtg Minutes
EEAC MINUTES – Monday, August 5, 2013
Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. Contact:
Secretary’s Report
Copies of the July 2013 minutes were circulated. No edits were suggested, so the minutes were filed as written. Barb was unable to attend the meeting; Jackie appointed Michael Bolan to take the August meeting minutes in Barb’s absence. Contact:
Police Report - Officer Love
• 21 incidences of crime were reported in the East End in July. The offenses included 7 property crimes from autos, 3 from UDF (2 gas pump drive-offs), and 3 breaking and entry.
• The EEAC bank account was compromised and funds were fraudulently transferred from the EEAC account. A fraud investigation is under way; however, the bank is in the process of returning the illegally transferred funds to a new EEAC bank account. Just before the occurrence of the bank fraud, an uncashed check drawn on the EEAC account, along with cash, was stolen from the home of Joe Corcoran on Strader Ave. Officer Love recommended that a crime report be filed on this matter.
• Another breach to the vacant Site Gas Station was reported, as well as its overgrown vegetation.
Contact: Officer Germaine Love 979-4480
President’s report – Jackie Weist
• An additional $250 was received for the efforts of the Flying Pig volunteers.
• Jackie noted the EE participation in this year’s National Night Out at the Owl’s Nest Park in O’Bryonville.
• A request to organize a Nominating Committee for the 2014 EEAC Board was made. Both Ruth Coon and Barbara Grace indicated their interest. (Update: Jane Sites later agreed to serve)
Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart
Jeff reported on disbursements totaling $1650 to Wimberg for grass cutting, to Rumpke for port-o-lets, and to ABC for the sign at Delta. Contact:
Leblond Recreation Center – Alayne Kazin
Alayne noted the progress of the renovation which will double the parking spaces, add a new swing, provide raised beds for gardening, and improve views of the river. Eighty volunteers from PNC bank are expected to lend their hand to renovate the ball field. Contact:
Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal
Charlene Meyers reported that the enrollment of the school will increase from 456 last year to 556 this coming year. Math scores remain weak but adjustments have been made to improve student skills. There is an effort underway for a health care clinic at the school to foster a health care curriculum for students interested in pursuing a career in the field of health. The school is looking for a larger place in the East End area to house 750+ attendees for its 2014 graduation exercises and is open to suggestions. Contact:
City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair
• Laurie took comments and questions regarding the bike facility along Riverside Drive. She asked for volunteers to count bicycle riders along Riverside for an ongoing study of Cincinnati bicycle ridership.
• Attention was drawn to the broken sidewalk at the Pendleton that experienced heavy truck traffic during the Duke gas line project and the Riverside Drive resurfacing.
• At this point of the meeting, a report was received that the noted American Queen riverboat was passing by the East End!
• It was again reported that the abandoned Site gas station on Riverside Drive continues to be non-compliant with the city’s weed ordinance.
Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair.
The University of Cincinnati DAAP students have prepared a vision for a study area bounded by the school, the river, the RR tracks and the Schmidt ball fields. Their study was partially funded by LISP, but mainly from the generosity of UC and its students. Consideration by neighborhood residents is sought prior to developing a plan. Concept drawings will be posted for public viewing along with an explanation of their ideas. This community feedback is scheduled for Wednesday August 21 at Riverview East Academy at 7PM, within easy walking distance of the study area. The concept to be presented includes parking options, a river view amenity, lighting/walkway improvements, and a rehab of Babb Ally. Contact:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.
Next Meeting: Monday Sept 9, 2013 7 pm
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