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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 7 2013 EEAC Mtg Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, October 7, 2013 Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 26 people in attendance (only 16 signed), including 11 residents. Contact: Secretary’s Report – Barb Rider Copies of the Sept 9, 2013 minutes were circulated. No edits were suggested, so the minutes were filed as written. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart (absent) Financial reports for September were made available. Total liabilities & equity are $23,054.16. Three disbursements were made: 2$63.90 to Wimberg Landscaping for mowing; $639 for the East End sign at Delta (NSP funds) and $75.51 to reimburse Jackie for paying for 3 Riverview East Academy students’ school supplies. Contact: Police Report - Officer Germaine Love • Captain Butler was intending to come to the meeting, but could not make it. • There were 11 reported offenses in the East End from Sept 7-Oct 3, including 2 thefts from auto, 1 theft of a motorcycle on Setchell St, 1 theft of a license plate, 2 thefts from Inner Circle – diamond rings & a bicycle, 1 theft from Riverview East Academy (teacher’s cell phone), shoplifting from UDF, a UPS package taken from a Walworth porch (worth several $K – an arrest was made for trespassing). Officer Love suggested that packages NOT be delivered to your home, if you’re not going to be there to receive delivery. • Jackie asked what we can do to get rid of crack houses. Officer Love said the BCS group deals with 14 neighborhoods, and they are aware of problems here and probably know who the players are. She is not aware when arrests will come to fruition. This is a problem in every neighborhood, and resources are spread thin. Jackie asked to go with her to show her the suspected sites. • Barbara Grace asked if there was any new information on 2 young women panhandling (i.e. during St. Rose’s mass and at LeBlonde). If anyone sees them, call the police for a trespassing charge. Contact: Officer Germaine Love 979-4480 or LeBlond Recreation Center – Katie Lear • The multisports court surface was poured today. LeBlonde will be closed Oct 21-22 for work by the Hometown Huddle with about 30 Bengal players building a new playground. The expanded parking lot is being finished now. • There are updated fall schedules (fitness & activities). Contact: Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal Dr. Pat White and her daughter, Dr. Suzie White, spoke about the “Leadership Scholars” program. Jrs and Srs teach non-cognitive skills (i.e. meditation, gratitude, college planning) to students in Gr. 7-8. Dr. White is also leading an 8-week program for 300 REA families, that will include childcare, dinner, and a graduation ceremony to be held at Xavier University. Charlene said that students and parents are excited about the programs. Brochures were distributed. Charlene showed the new planner given to students and parents to keep them organized. Guest Speaker – Paul Burch, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Paul, the library circulation services manager, spoke in support of Issue 1 on the November 5 ballot (10 yr renewal…revenues will account for 1/3 of the library budget). Library patrons can stream movies, download books on Kindle, get resume help, download music, etc. Our library has the #3 geneology dept, and is the 7th busiest library (based on circulation) in the US. 88% of Hamilton County households have a library card. Monfort Hghts, Sharonville and North Central branches are now open on Sundays, along with the downtown branch. If the renewal fails, there will be a $17million shortfall, causing staff layoffs, branch closings, and cutback on hours. Sally O’Callaghan, CPS School Bd. candidate Sally taught for 10 years in CPS; previously in Cleveland, before staying home with her 4 children. She is running for election because of concern for neighborhood schools. She supports universal pre-school, adding transitional classrooms to address mobility (“churn”), expanding community learning centers in schools, ending camping out to sign-up for popular alternative schools, and raising expectations. Cameron Ross, City Planning Commission, absent Was to bring maps defining the borders of East End, CT, and Linwood NSP Report - Melisse May Expenses using last year’s NSP funds have been submitted: the Delta/Kellogg EE sign and support, and a stipend for the DAAP intern who put together options for the future of the Garden District. The options were available on large boards for all to review. Melisse pointed out that having a vision and options for the future helps the community. Councilmember Quinlivan’s aide said that there will be an announcement tomorrow that all 52 neighborhoods will get $5000 in NSP funds this year. Contacts: Community Relations Report - Sandy Hoover, chair There will be another Meet & Greet at Swampwater Grill (3742 Kellogg Ave) on Tuesday, Oct 15, beginning at 6:00PM, this time hosted by Linwood. Contact: 3East Report - Nick Motz (absent, no report) Budget – Jackie called for ideas; there were none. Nominating Comm If interested in running for an EEAC office for 2014-15, contact Barbara Grace. She is working with Jane Sites and Ruth Coon to create a slate of nominees to be announced at the November meeting. Contact: Barbara Grace 321-2099 Old Business - Jackie • Gail Silver reported that the gathering last week to highlight Michael’s ‘green’ house and support mayoral candidate Roxanne Qualls was very successful. She provided historical information on the house and Capt Strader (this will also go in the EEAC newsletter). • Pendleton is available for rent. • Don’t forget to use the Ohio River app: Recr8OhioRiver for info on river conditions, weather, etc. New Business - Jackie • Michelle & Kevin Perkins are moving to KY. They have been active members of the EEAC, and we wish them well. • There will be an East End clean up on “Make a Difference Day” – Saturday, Oct 26. Volunteers should meet at 9AM at REA; Charlene will provide student volunteers. • Patrick Ormond spoke in support of David Mann, candidate for City Council. David spoke – he was previously on City Council for 18 yrs, served as mayor for 3 terms, and in Congress for 2 years. He has practiced law with his son for the past 19 years; all 9 children and grandchildren live in City. David is concerned about drug use; infant mortality rates; poverty, bond rating (because of pension funding), streetcars, and sale of the parking system. • Councilmember Quinlivan’s aide reported that she is working on UC fire safety. A website is now available with landlords’ and fire inspection status. It will be expanded into other neighborhoods and for all renters. • Bob Little suggested that the EE sign should have the message: “Shop & dine locally” • Gail suggested that people attend the City Council and mayoral debates. • Carol Grasha spoke about mercury-contaminated equipment removed in June from the MSD facility at Wilmer & Kellogg and taken to Rumpke via Riverside Dr, as reported in a Sept 28 Enquirer article. Her concern is if the mercury spilled onto EE streets. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. Next Meeting: Monday Nov 5, 2013 at 7 pm NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at