EEAC MINUTES – Monday, MAY 2, 2011
Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:06PM. Nineteen people were in attendance, including 12 residents and 7 guests. Contact:
Police Report Officer Love reported an increase in crime in the East End for April 2011: 2 burglaries, 5 breaking & entering, and 7 thefts. The most serious crime was a daytime burglary on April 13 of $7100 (jewelry and a big screen TV) from a condo. There was also a major arrest on April 29 of two people for receiving stolen property.
Jack Karch from Citizens on Patrol explained the program; in Cincinnati, there are 32 COP groups, with over 600 members. His group patrols the Columbia Tusculum, Linwood, Lunken Airport area. They have 18 members and are looking for more. He described their activities: 12 hours of training, 3 people at a time going on patrol in a vehicle once/month for four hours, office in the police substation at Lunken Airport. Ruth Coon asked how this is different from the Good Guy Loitering Program; Jack explained that they are two separate programs.
Contact: 478-1678 (no voice mail, but texts accepted)
Secretary’s Report
Ed Rider (substituting for Barb Rider) presented the April 4, 2011 minutes. Accepted & filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report Sandy Hoover presented the EEAC balance sheet as of 5.2.2011 ($29,937.51 in assets; $2,208.27 in liabilities; $27,729.24 in equity). Checks were written for Power Packs for Riverview East Academy students’ weekend food - $1250); sandbags for the recent flooding; the barbecue. Money from Invest in Neighborhoods was received. Contact:
Guest Speakers
Councilman Wendell Young was present as part of his neighborhood speaking tour. He introduced his community outreach liaison, Cedrick Denson. He related that he had previously spent considerable time in the East End as a police officer and school resource officer. Contact Cendrick at: 352-3466.
Jeff Sepate, LeBlond director, distributed surveys asking how to best use LeBlond. He reported that the pool will open in mid-June; it may be available for adult swims, likely on Wednesdays. There will be a summer day camp and preschool June-August. New programs include Princess for a Day and soccer training. Ruth mentioned that in the past parking spots for Riverfest were sold at LeBlond; Jeff will check into this.
City Liaison Report Laurie Keleher reported on the Open House conducted by the city for the Ohio River Bike Trail and the bike facility on Riverside. The City has not yet collated results from the surveys completed then, but city officials report that most who attended were positive about the bike facility on Riverside. There will have two painted bike trails (one in each direction); 2 lanes of traffic; and parking limited mainly to the north side of Riverside. The bike facility will be completed in late summer, probably after Duke completes major repair work along Riverside Dr. Laurie said the Bike Trail opening across from Lunken was cancelled on April 26 because of flooding; the new date (mid-May) will be reported in the newsletter.
Laurie reported that an East End family had severe basement flooding twice this spring and needs a dumpster. Joe Corcoran offered to use his truck and volunteers to help them. Patrice Allen moved that neighborhood flood funds be used to get a dumpster, if materials can’t be moved by Joe et al. Motion passed unanimously.
There was a discussion about city assistance during/after floods. In the past, the city has provided flood packs (e.g. cleaning supplies), dumpsters, special pick-ups, power hosing. Laurie suggested that we develop a packet to present to the city on historical flood support and current expectations. She asked Ruth to help develop the list.
Lew Seiler reported on the Oasis RR Open House (commuter line from Clermont County to downtown Cincinnti). It was well attended, with information tables. The audience had lots of questions, but the ODOT representatives and their consultants could not answer most. The majority of the audience was against the plan. Lew suggested that we remain vigilant, as there is still political support for the commuter line (unlike the “derailed” streetcar and high speed rail plans).
Laurie reported that there is a speeding problem with school busses and boat owners on Strader. She will write a request to the city to conduct a traffic study there.
There is a request from the Cinti Recreation Commission for EEAC to support their proposal to the Park Department to move a ballfield on Lumber/Calhoun near St. Rose to accommodate additional parking being lost as a result of the bike facility. ADA access must be constructed for the fields. Betty Burns moved that we endorse this proposal. Motion passed unanimously.
NSP funds –
Patrice Allen presented the proposed list of projects for Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) funding: $300 newsletter, $750 Columbia/Tusculum and East End projects ($150 water tank, $300 plantings, $300 tunnel lighting); $400 East End Garden District ($100 lawn mower wheels, $100 gas, $200 tool maintenance/replacement); $500 LeBlond sign; $550 entrance gardens. Jeff explained that it is yet undetermined if $500 will be adequate to fund a sign, because of Cincinnati Rec Commission restrictions. Melisse May moved to adopt the NSP projects; Lew Seiler seconded. Motion passed: 12 ‘yes’, 0 ‘no’, 0 ‘abstentions’.
The Adopt-A-Block program will be kicked off at Maribelles on Sunday, May 15th 4:30-6:30. There has been good response from volunteers. Contact:
Columbia Tusculum Report Nick Motz was applauded for his work in coordinating the first ever East End Party Zone during the Flying Pig Marathon. There were 25 volunteers. It was well-attended, and the EEAC will receive $800-1000. A large amount of food was left over, and was donated to a neighborhood food pantry. Nick recommends we continue to participate in this project.
He spoke about the Hillside View Corridor plan to control development and protect views from hillsides. This is currently tabled in City Council, but we need to continue to watch the issue as it impacts the East End more than any other neighborhood. A city representative familiar with the plan will be asked to come to a future EEAC meeting to explain the plan. Contact:
Community Relations
Melisse May reported that over 40 people attended the Meet and Greet with C/T and Linwood at Tostados. It was decided to do this combined activity quarterly.
Melisse explained that the Social Relations Committee is up and running. They have inter-viewed several longtime residents. The top reported priorities are: more community activities for a broad range of residents; addressing housing issues and making house/home improvements; desire for new businesses to serve residents (e.g. grocery, fast food restaurants); upkeep and other related issues (e.g. vacant lots). The committee will be developing a plan for consider-ation at the June EEAC meeting. Contact:
Great American Clean-up
Ruth Coon reported that the approximately 12 volunteers who came worked hard, but we could always use more. Volunteers cleaned up areas along Stacon, near Schmidt Field, and along Riverside from Delta to the Pendleton. More than 300 tires were gathered. There are still some items that have not been picked up (e.g. carpeting on Stacon). She will call the city for a special pick up of large items (e.g. refrigerators). Contact:
Columbia Tusculum Go Green Summerfest
Jamie Cecil thanked us for publicizing the C/T Go Green Summerfest on June 18 near the Green Dog Café.
Soap Box Derby
Contact Jackie Weist or Monica Miller at Riverview East Academy if you can sponsor a car.
Garden District
Joe Corcoran has been working with Xavier U students to landscape around the Wenner Tunnel; he showed the impressive plans.
He shared plans for the barbecue on August 13, and asked the EEAC to do a fundraiser to cover costs. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
There will be a Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony at the garden, with veterans and a minister from Mt. Carmel. Time to be determined.
A representative from the PJ Sittenfeld campaign passed around a petition to get his name on the November ballot for city council, as well as information on the candidate.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:00.