EEAC MINUTES – Monday, June 6, 2011
Call to Order – Barb Rider, secretary, was appointed to preside over the meeting in the absence of the president and vice president. The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM. Eighteen people were in attendance, including 10 residents and 8 guests. Because only 9 residents had been to a meeting previously in the past year, there was not a required quorum for voting. Contact:
Police Report - Officer Germain Love (accompanied by her boss, Sgt Tucker), distributed the neighborhood crime report (without a map). There were 7 felony larceny/thefts, and 4 breaking and entering offenses reported in the East End from May 5-26. Fifteen locks on units in a storage facility were removed; the owners have not yet been notified, so the extent of the theft is not known. There have been 4 arrests, including 18 yr old Josh Turner, allegedly involved in several previous offenses. Officer Love also distributed safe baby sleeping cards from the City Health Department. She provided information on NATIONAL Night Out on Tues, Aug 2 from 6-9 at the Owls Nest Park on 1984 Madison Rd. (O’Bryonville). We can have a booth there. Melisse May asked is we can have a report on cases that have been closed. We should contact Officer Love with this request, and she could email us that report. Contact:
Guests –
• Scott LaFollette, of Mt. Washington, spoke about looking for a 2000 sq ft. place – possibly in the East End - for his Blank Slate Brewing Company. It would be production and kegs only. There is sometimes an odor with brewing, so he would like to know about objections before he decides on a site. Contact: 515-6672.
• Ryan Braun, legislative director of newly appointed city Councilman Wayne Lippert’s office, introduced himself. Ryan mentioned that he and Councilman Lippert went on a garbage run for a half-day, and reminded us that yard waste IS still being picked up, and should be bundled. He distributed a petition sheet to get signatures for the Nov city council election for Councilman Lippert. Contact:
LeBlond Report - Jeff Sepate, director, introduced Natalie Hosfeld, certified yoga instructor, who will be offering Caribbean Cardio on Mondays at 5:30, and Power & Peace Yoga Mondays at 6 and Thursdays at 1pm in the LeBlond park ($7/class or $50/month). Jeff reported that the pool opened today, with an impressive 66-70 swimmers; summer camp begins Wed. The Tuesday, June 21 6:30 Meet & Greet will take place at the LeBlond park, with the Rec Center & the Community Relations Committee providing soft drinks and paper products; bring appetizers to share. Jeff has recreation supplies to provide (e.g. cornhole). Contact:
Secretary’s Report -The May 2, 2011 minutes were accepted & filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report - Sandy Hoover presented the 6.6.2011 balance sheet ($30,611.50 in total liabilities and equity), and our ‘Actual vs. Budget Profit & Loss’ report ($-13.68). We received $800 for hosting the Flying Pig Party Zone. The motion to donate $250 for the Aug 13 Garden District BBQ was tabled until July for lack of a quorum. Contact:
Community Relations - Melisse May, chair
• The East End Reunion takes place on June 18 at Schmidt Field. It is not an EEAC-sponsored event, but an important long-standing neighborhood function, usually coinciding with River Clean-up Day.
• 3rd Tuesday Meet N Greets continue at 6:30: June 21 at LeBlond Park…July 19 at Tostados with Columbia Tusculum and Linwood Community councils…and Aug 16 possibly at Pendleton in a Town Hall potluck format with speakers (e.g. Marvin Hawkins from Councilwoman Quinlivan’s office).
• Patrice Allen, Matt Ackerman and Melisse wrote and submitted a grant application to the 5-platform Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISV), seeking national funds of $50,000 over a 2 year period, for designs in three areas. Chances of being successful in a first LISC application are slim, but we were encouraged to apply because it could lead to other funding opportunities. Melisse was thanked for her hard work in putting this together.
• Although reported at the May meeting, Melisse said that the survey conducted with 6 longterm residents, along with co-chair Willie Sanders, has proved useful .
City Liaison Report - Laurie Keleher, chair
• Concern has been expressed (resident Brian Haberman) about the parking on Walworth interfering with emergency vehicles access. Marty Theuer, City Dept of Traffic Engineering and Fire Chief Breitfelder spoke to the issue: they have investigated, and there is less than the required 24’ width on parts of Walworth. Parking in those areas (3499-3395, and 3325-3299) will be banned. Jamie Cecil, Columbia Tusculum representative, will provide resident emails so they can be notified, and will ask the C/T Business Association to communicate with the Precinct about the parking problems.
• Matthew Andrews, City Transportation Dept, gave an update on the Riverside bike facility – from Corbin to Bains. Parking (8’ wide markings) will be limited 24/7 to the north side of the street (except in the St. Rose area, where it switches to the south side). Two 5’ bike path lanes will be painted after Duke gas line repair work is completed (likely in September): inbound on the north side, outbound on the south side. There will be two 11’ traffic lanes. Some bus stops will be taken out, or converted to parking (by Maribelles) or service/ handicapped vehicles (by Riverfront East). The Rookwood underpass sidewalk will be widened. A mid left-turn lane for businesses near Allied will be created. The Ohio River Trail – now stopping east of Corbin – is still being designed.
• Laurie reported that a master plan for the Garden District (Delta to Corbin) is being developed, to include residents on Strader who have concerns (e.g. community gardening in the middle of the block). Cameron Ross from the Civic Garden Center will be involved; Laurie has met with him. The planning will take about 6-10 months, and will involve public forums much like the bike facility planning. There are some FEMA properties involved. A question was asked about composting; Laurie said it is a problem when compost from other neighborhoods is brought here.
• Two EEAC representatives can attend the Invest in Neighborhoods business meeting hosted by the Business Association on Thurs June 23 at 6PM at the Fire Museum.
NSP Report - In Patrice Allen’s absence,
Sandy reported on the following:
• Adopt a Block – A few volunteers attended the kickoff on May 15 at Maribelle’s.
• Kemper clean-up took place over a 2 week period. Many passers-by thanked the East End volunteers for removing all the brush. Resident Mike Meyers made 6 red, white & blue signs “Neighbors Making A Difference” to post when working on such projects. Daylilies and daffodils will be planted by the newly-cleared stonewall.
Laurie reported:
• The City may be responsible for tunnel lighting, so NSP funds would not have to be used.
• Brush has been removed from the Rookwood overpass by I&O RR and SORTA.
Columbia-Tusculum Liaison Report – Jamie Cecil, C/T rep
• Work on “The Wedge” (bordered by Delta, Eastern, Kellogg and Wilmer) will total $4000, of which $700 is the EEAC share. We may use AIG funds for this, but no vote was taken (no quorum).
• C/T is hosting a Go Green Fest on June 18 at 6-10PM on Columbia Square, with bands, face painting, drinks. It is part of the Green O’Rama that morning on Straefer.
There were no Economic Development or Pendleton Center reports in the absence of Bob Little & Ruth Coon.
Clarification is needed on the soapbox derby cars (Laurie reported they have no airfoils, so plastic vs. wooden should not be an issue).
No other business was brought before the group.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:22.