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Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 11, 2011 Council Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, July 11, 2011
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Jackie Weist, president at 7:05PM. Twenty people were in attendance, including 11 residents. Contact:

Secretary’s Report -The June 6, 2011 minutes were accepted & filed. Ed Rider was appointed to take minutes in Barb’s absence. Contact:
Guests –
• Greg Brown (accompanied by two partners) spoke about the Double Barrel Micro Brewery they are opening between Terry’s Turf Club and Bella Luna on Eastern Ave. He is introducing the company to the various neighborhood councils. It will be a production facility only and sell to businesses. They are excited to be part of the neighborhood.
Treasurer’s Report - The 7.11.2011 balance sheet was distributed in the absence of treasurer Sandy Hoover. A motion was made by Laurie Keleher and seconded by Melisse May to donate $250 for the Aug 13 Garden District BBQ. The motion was approved. Joe then talked about the upcoming BBQ. Contact:
Police Report - Officer Germain Love (acompanied by Sgt Tucker), distributed the neighborhood crime report. There were 16 recorded offenses – 8 thefts, 3 burglaries and 6 breaking and enterings reported in the East End from June 11 – July 8. Officer Love said that this was a high number but that things have improved in the last few weeks. She reminded everyone about the NATIONAL Night Out on Tues, Aug 2 from 6-9 at the Owls Nest Park on 1984 Madison Rd. (O’Bryonville). Contact:
LeBlond Report - Jeff Sepate, director, thanked everyone who attended the neighborhood Meet and Greet at the Center on June 21. Jeff reported that the staff is continuing to explore using the parking lot and property for paid parking during the fireworks. If they proceed, volunteers will be needed to make it successful. Jeff asked if we thought this was a good idea. All comments were positive, and he was encouraged to keep working on the idea. One of the questions still be resolved with the city is liability and they are working on that. Contact:
Guests –
• Linda Doyle of the Early Learning Center housed at the Riverview East Academy presented information about the ELC which has a 3 star rating from the state. It is an all day preschool for children from 18 months to 5 years old. 60% of the children from the East End. It is not a charter school but rather a non-profit group that has 7 locations in Cincinnati and works in cooperation with CPS.
• Monica Miller, the Resource Coordinator of the Riverview East Academy reported that they expected their test scores to improve this year (to be officially released shortly). There have been many changes at the school: the two secretaries have left (one retired), Miss Cleveland is a new Vice Principal, and the school is transitioning to more emphasis on technology. Great American Insurance Co. has adopted the school and will be providing volunteers. The school is a local school in K-8 and a school of choice 9 – 12. Enrollment has soared. They have 150 initial signups. They are looking into a Girls on the Run program.
Community Relations - Melisse May, chair
• There will be a Tri-Council Meet and Greet at Tostados on Tuesday, July 19.
• We were not successful in winning a grant from the Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISV), but it did put the East End on their radar screen. Our neighborhood did not have as large an African- American population and a large number of vacant housing as those neighbor hoods that received the grants. These were two of the main criteria for the grants.
• Black Family Reunion – Jackie and Melisse talked to about 20 residents or former residents at the BFR about the East End.
• Based on our neighborhood interviews, we are continuing to work on the two top priorities – more social activities and property cleanup. Ruth Coon complained about the condition of the property along Lancaster Ave owned by the city and the homeless using the area. Betty Burns said that the homeless there have become a problem with attempted break-ins at Verdin Bell and the abandoned church. Laurie Keleher said she would visit the site and will follow up with the city and Homeless Coalition to get someone to visit the homeless camps there. Contact:

City Liaison Report - Laurie Keleher, chair
• Laurie introduced Cameron Ross from the City to review the View Corridor issues. Cameron presented a large zoning map to the Council that highlights how various properties would be affected by the proposed regulations. Cameron indicated that the East End is one of the most affected neighborhoods by the proposed View Corridor work. He pointed out that the rules were designed to be flexible and development plans for affected properties would be evaluated on a case by case basis. However, he reported that while the Livable Community Committee has approved it, the plan will most likely be sunsetted because of lack of support on City Council. Betty Burns pointed out that recent communications from the Hillside Trust on the issue was confusing with regards to the plans. Cameron agreed.
• Laurie reported on the Invest in Neighborhoods business meeting hosted by the Business Association at the Fire Museum. The projections for the city budget and neighborhood funds are grim, particularly with the decline in property valuations. All residents of the city will be affected and she urged all residents to participate in the public forums on the budget discussions and communicate with City Council. Laurie would either try to get the city budget director to attend an EEAC meeting or find out if there was a general budget meeting residents can attend.
• Laurie reported that she attended the Planning Commission meeting regarding three parcels in the west end of the neighborhood. She was shocked to find out that the EEAC objections to the sale never made it to the agenda. Laurie said that Roxanne Qualls’ staff indicated that they will try to alert the EEAC about future city property sales in the area.
A question was raised about the activity on the Imboden property on Riverside Drive next to the Duke property being cleaned up. It was reported that Imboden had sold the property to Duke; Betty Burns said she would look into it.

NSP Report - In Patrice Allen’s absence, Jackie Weist asked for a motion to approve the use of the AIG $701.40 for the Wedge cleanup. Laurie Keleher made the motion to approve and it was seconded by Donna Meakin. The motion was approved.
Patrice would also like to apply for two Keep Cincinnati Beautiful grants and requested approval to apply. Approval was given to apply for these grants.
Input was also requested regarding a possible mural on the Water Works wall. Ruth Coon and Betty Burns expressed opposition to this idea. Ruth said it would invite graffiti and Betty felt the wall should be lowered by the Water Works rather than have a mural placed on it.

Economic Development Report – No report in the absence of Bob Little.

Pendleton Center Report - Ruth Coon said she has heard nothing from Marvin Hawkins regarding a forum and potluck at a Meet and Greet on August 16. Plans are still forming. Contact:

New Business - Jackie reported that the Regional Conference of Neighborhood Associations will be in Cincinnati Sept. 22-24. There was a discussion about supporting the attendance of two delegates from the East End Area Council. Ruth Coon moved and Mary Dyar seconded the motion to cover the fees for two delegates. The motion was approved.

Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:33.