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Monday, August 1, 2011

EEAC Mtg - Aug 1, 2011

Police Report Officer Love reported 13 total property-related offenses in the East End in July: 4 burglaries 1 breaking and entering, and 8 thefts (including 3 thefts from autos, and 2 auto thefts). The most serious crime was $70,000 from Arnold Printing (e.g. copper was taken from AC units). There was a much-publicized shooting in CT last week into the windows of Gymboree with no injuries.
National Night Out is tomorrow night at Owls’ Nest.
Officer Love warned of a fraud currently in Deerfield Township and Wyoming: door to door tree services (e.g. Trees Unlimited), saying they’re from Louisville or Columbus. A maroon 1992 Chevy pick-up truck is involved. The elderly are being targeted. Officer Love advised never writing checks to anyone coming to the door.
Ruth Coon shared that there is brothel-type activity in the woods near her house (young men and women get out of cars and go up the hill); Betty Burns said that there have been attempts at breaking into Verdin. Sandy said there are people, possibly homeless, with campfires on the riverbanks. Officer Love encouraged all to call police (you can use the non-emergency number; and do not have to give a name); the fire department should be called in cases of open fire. Jackie asked Officer Love to report these problems.
Contact: 478-1678 (no voice mail, but texts accepted)
LeBlond Report – Jeff Sepate reported that there will again be home-schooling programs beginning in September. They are also looking at pre-school morning programs and soccer. There will also be a Trunk N Treat again this year. Girls on the Run will also begin at LeBlond. LeBlond is interested in offering its site to two table tennis associations (with players ranked ‘2000’) on Saturdays, so hours can be expanded. Jeff encourages membership, especially to use the fitness center. He introduced East End resident Donna Meakin and Paul Schmid from Mt. Lookout who are regulars. LeBlond is open until 7pm.
Riverfest parking fundraiser - Jeff explained that the Recreation Commission administration did not permit it for this year due to high costs (full-time staff would be required), and lower than anticipated revenue (restricting parking to asphalt). This year, Riverfest activity at LeBlond will be reviewed to make proposals for next year. Ruth said for three years (beginning in 2002) there was extended parking at LeBlond to Highland School for $5/car with 12 security volunteers; Jeff will talk with Ruth. Melisse has talked to Jen Trokhen at RiverWalk about using their adjacent lot. Previously they made $500 through pre-sale $10 wristband vouchers; one year someone bought 20 vouchers. Melisse recommends we not pursue this, as there would be competition at the free LeBlond parking; Jackie will tell Bob Little that we will not use the lot. Melisse suggests we move to Plan B in LeBlond fundraising. Jeff thanked Melisse for her persistence and help.
Ruth complimented Jeff for “making a world of difference” at LeBlond pool this year.
Vice President Report – Michael Bolan explained his idea for hanging East End historical photos (printed on metal) along the Riverside Drive streetscape near where the photo was taken. No one objected, so Michael will investigate. Ruth said there are 12,000 photos on a Linwood, CT, East End website (Facebook
Community Relations - Melisse May, chair. Meet N Greets – On Aug. 16, speakers from Duke will be present at Maribelle’s to talk about their clean-up. The Sept 20 Meet N Greet will be at the Pendleton; the planning meeting is on Aug 9. The Maribelle’s fund raising Wine Tasting was potentially planned for Sept 20th, but Jackie has not heard from planners Diane Little and Jen. She’ll suggest to them that the Wine Tasting be moved to October.
The East Ender Newsletter now has 177 subscribers (out of 1500 residents). New names will continue to be generated at social events. In future newsletter, residents will be recognized (e.g. doing fix-ups/renovations, volunteering for Adult Education or the East End Heritage Academy). Ruth said at one time 5 awards were given annually to East End residents during Appalachian Week (e.g. Above and Beyond, Community Spirit). Melisse will look into this for a November volunteer day.
Trash - A handout was made available detailing what big items can be put out with the trash: 2 tires, and a few large items (e.g. mattresses) with a call beforehand to 591-6000. Ruth suggested getting a “white truck”; Melisse suggested this idea go to Adopt-A-Block, but Sandy pointed out that program only deals with sidewalks. I&O RR is donating a dumpster on October 22 “Make a Difference Day.”
City Liaison Report – In Laurie Keleher’s absence, Jackie reported that the Board recommends the Garden District be expanded to the Pendleton. No one objected. Jackie asked if anyone had before and/or after photos of the garden district; Ruth may have some from before the 1937 flood. Contact:
Jackie attended the City Council meeting today; $5million may be cut by Dec. 31, including some environmental programs (e.g. community gardens on city property). Jackie encouraged people to comment on the merger of Parks and Recreation, and on the budget cuts; action will be taken on Aug 17. Contact:
NSP funds – In Patrice Allen’s absence, Jackie reported that this is the EEAC’s year to be reviewed. Laurie and/or Patrice will attend each monthly meeting.
Jackie encouraged people to see the Stanley/Eastern Ave. trees/mulching. She wonders if Adopt A Block could expand to that part of the East End. Contact:
Old Business – Jackie reported that a decision was made not to participate in the Regional Conference of Neighborhood Associations to save money.
New Business – Dr. Keesler from UC’s College of Medicine is asking his students to attend an EEAC meeting, and visit the East End Health Center. Ruth suggested they also go to the Seven Hills Neighborhood House by St. Stevens in CT.
Jackie asked if anyone knew why we got a thank you for participating in the MSD Recreational Research project; no one knew about this.
There are passes available to attend the swearing in of new police chief tomorrow; contact Jackie.
The Cincinnati Herald will put us on their website, with a taping on Aug 5. Melisse may attend with William Sanders from Community Relations
Scott Donaldson has been nominated by the board for a Keep Cinti Beautiful volunteer recognition award for his work in the Garden District.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

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