Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Nineteen people were in attendance, including 14 residents and 3 guests. Contact:
Secretary’s Report Barb Rider presented the August 1, 2011 minutes; they were accepted & filed. Contact:
Treasurer’s Report Sandy Hoover presented the EEAC balance sheet as of 9.12.2011 (including $27,676.20 in assets; $163.27 in current liabilities; -$325 in net income). We’ll be adding a new line for landscaping (see NSP report).
Jackie mentioned that it’s time to think about budget ideas for the next calendar year. There will be very few – if any – funds for neighborhoods, except some from the casino (it is scheduled to open in 2012, but it will be 6 months before money is received). We have savings to use, but they will not last forever. Contact:
Guests Lin Yates, principal of Riverview East Academy spoke about his school. He is in his 2nd yr there. One of Mr. Yates’ priorities is involving community; REA is “our” school. There are 450 students, Gr. K-12, with a top-rated preschool (2-5 yr olds), a disability pre-school unit, and 4 autism units. REA is open to all CPS students and the community. We can hold meetings there, and are welcome to visit anytime. The school is judged on test scores; in previous years, it was ranked Academic Watch, this year it has improved to Continuous Improvement. Next year’s goal is to be rated Effective. REA has a full-time School Resource Officer (Officer Gamble), used mainly for counseling. This year, a nurse’s aide replaces a registered nurse. Students in Gr. 11-12 can take courses to qualify as a nurse’s aide when they graduate, and receive priority status in enrolling in nursing school (e.g. Christ). REA has Jr Hi and HS sports (2 sports for boys & girls in each season, including football with home games at Stargell Stadium, Taft HS). REA is very competitive in baseball, and is trying to start cheerleading. The IT department of Great Amer-ican Insurance Co. has adopted REA; they will provide money (for testing incentives and refreshments for parent events, 31 laptop computers just received for a lab, and tutors. Mr. Yates provided pamphlets about the school; Open House is Oct 5. He concluded his remarks by describing his students as “wonderful.” He is working on developing relationships with students and parents to improve self-esteem, and on improving the perception of REA in the community. 60-70% of last year’s graduates are now in college.
Bob Little shared that attending the opening of the school was a great way to meet neighbors, and asked about adult ed classes (they may be offered thru Great American). A suggestion was made for REA to use the EEAC newsletter for publicity (attendance at parent events is low). Melisse May asked about strategies to improve test scores (REA is working with the Hamilton County Educational Service Center to use data in identifying what skills each student needs, and in planning individualized interventions).
Monica Miller, Resource Coordinator of Riverview East Academy, spoke about the Adopt A Class program; community groups or businesses adopt a K-8 class, pledging to spend $25/ student yearly. Adopting groups write letters, meet students, serve as mentors, and provide a holiday party with gifts. Currently, Grades 3 and 6 & autism classes do not have adopters.
LeBlond Report - Katie Lear (in Jeff Sepate’s absence) reported that:
• the new Cincinnati Recreation Commission director, Chris Bingham, started this week and is charged with dealing with the $1.3 million deficit.
• Grilling with Tim (Hedrix), Aug 18th, attracted 200 people, one of the biggest for WKRC.
• Jeff came to survey parking during Riverfest –there were only about 20 cars (8 cars in lot, 2-3 in the field), perhaps because of the rain in the evening.
• New fall program guides were distributed. LeBlond is open M-Th 10-7, Fri 10-6. LeBlond is a host site for Girls on the Run (Gr. 3-5); there are a few openings. Yoga continues on Mondays. Aerobics is held on Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:45-10:45AM. There are openings in the preschool program.
• Trunk or Treat is Fri, Oct. 21st 7-8PM. There will be awards for the best decorated car.
• Red Cross is having a workshop on preparing for disasters (floods & hurricanes) Oct 5
Jackie asked (on Jeff Sepate’s behalf) if there were any objections to a liquor license for the Toby Keith Bar at the Banks; there were no objections. Bob Little asked how licenses are procured – he has heard that they are difficult to get. Laurie Keleher said it is advantageous to be in an entertainment district (e.g. Pleasant Ridge), because the license is attached to property (not a person). Officer Tucker said to call 979-4470 for information about liquor licenses.
Police Report Officer C. Tucker represented Officer Germaine Love, who is ill. She did not have monthly crime stats, but will email them to newsletter editor, Betsy Urban. She reported that Mt. Lookout has been hit hard with theft from autos (over 100 this month), including some at Lunken. Three have been arrested (from KY). Next month, Officer Love will discuss safety tips for Halloween. Contact: 478-1678 (texts OK, no voice mail).
Vice President Report – Michael Bolan is continuing his project to install historical photos on Riverside Dr to connect pedestrians and cyclists to the East End’s historic and industrial past. He has taken pictures of signs in other neighborhoods. Contact:
Community Relations Report - Melisse May, chair. Contact: A newsletter article, “East End Idols”, will feature residents who improve the East End. Greg Sulfridge will be featured in the September newsletter for his extensive work in painting the building at 2630 Riverside. Please send other nominations to Melisse.
Meet N Greet – Sept 20th at Pendleton at 6pm. There will be a cook-out & potluck for East End residents. EEAC will provide burgers, buns and condiments. East Enders are asked to bring a sidedish for 8 to share. BYO beer is OK, EEAC will provide non-alcoholic drinks. Bingo will be led by Ruth Coon; there will also be cornhole. Volunteers are needed for set-up and clean-up.
City Liaison Report –Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
Work on an Integrated Riverfront Plan through the Department of Housing and Urban Develop-ment’s Community Challenge Planning Grant Program II is proceeding. Jackie has sent a letter of support to Ms. Poticha of the City Planning Commission, as this is a perfect fit for our Garden District plans. The city will work with FEMA in developing the comprehensive plan. Cameron Ross is involved in the project; study of the riverfront will begin at Sawyer Park and go east. Duke wants to be involved in the Garden District.
There are three lots for sale in the 2640 block of Riverside that Laure is monitoring.
NSP funds – Patrice Allen. Contact: Rick Dierringer of Invest in Neighborhoods has informed community representatives that he does not anticipate City funding for the NSP Program for 2012.
Patrice presented an update on NSP projects as follows:
1) Entrance garden at Kellogg & Delta (on REA/CPS school property/ballfield/parking lot): A landscaping plan was presented, as designed gratis by Josh Otto, of Perrino Landscape, Inc. The plan meets our four criteria for East End gardens: low maintenance, drought-tolerance, low cost and plantings appropriate to the site. A CPS waiver has been procured to allow us to install a garden on CPS land. In return, the EEAC will be responsible for maintaining the site; weeding and doing seasonal cleanup. Perrino Landscape has waived its labor charges, billed wholesale instead of retail for plants and trees, and will mulch for free. The portable water tank obtained by Matt Ackermann for use by CTCC and the EEAC will be used. The plan was accepted. NSP and 2010 AIG funds will be used to fund this garden installation, part 1.
2) Patrice requested a motion to accept the transfer of $100 of surplus funds from the newsletter project to the East End Garden District project to provide for tool purchase and repair.
Laurie moved that funds be transferred as described above. There was a second, and the vote passed unanimously.
3) Patrice reported there is $750 remaining for the -T partnership Wedge project which needs to be allocated and spent by December.
The Dinner Train and I & O Railroad project is ”off track”. KCB and the Glad Company employees and families will transfer their efforts to the EE/CT Wedge project.
There will be no more NSP peer-review meetings as all Community Councils have presented their plans for 2011.
Columbia Tusculum Report – Nick Motz is meeting with CT reps on the Wedge project tomorrow. The project will be part of Make a Difference Day on Oct. 22nd. Keep Cincinnati Beautiful likes our joint project, and plans publicity at our site. Glad Corp will bring supplies.
Nick reported that his new building complex “Adenine” is part of the Ohio Green Tour/Open House on Oct. 21st from 8-10. Among other improvements, he has installed solar energy panels.
Economic Development - Bob Little Contact: Bob has purchased advertising in the quarterly Venue Magazine for a four-part series on Riverwalk, Fuel (and owner John Pitera), East End businesses, and entrepreneurs living at Riverwalk & Waterfront East. The next issue comes Sept 17, and is available at Joseph Beth.
The current issue of Cincinnati Magazine has an excellent cover story on the Ohio River.
Bob recently went with Queen City Bike from Lunken to downtown. He reported on the Banks: there will be a bike center with rentals, showers, etc. The Women’s Garden Club has raised $8 million; another $21 was donated. A statue of the Black Brigade will be especially impressive.
New Business Nominating Committee – Nick & Laurie & William Sanders (maybe) have agreed to serve.
A Cincinnati Herald video with Melisse & William speaking about the East End was made.
Diane Little and Patrice are meeting at 1:00 on Wed, Sept 14 to discuss a fundraiser. (Maribelle’s is not interested in the previously discussed wine-tasting).
Ruth Coon reports fighting with the city about overgrown weeds on property adjacent to her home, and is not mowing in protest. There is a question about whether it is railroad or city-owned. She also reported that the East End Heritage School (in Roselawn) is doing well.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.
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