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Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 7 EEAC Meeting Minutes


Call to Order
Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were approximately 25 people in attendance, of whom about 18 were residents or business owners. Contact:

Secretary’s Report
Sandy Hoover presented the October 3, 2011 minutes in Barb Rider’s absence; they were accepted and filed. Contact:

Treasurer’s Report
Sandy Hoover presented the 11.1.2011 balance sheet (including $26,586.99 in total liabilities and equity). We received a credit from Chase Bank for the $17 service fee charged last month, but we will be liable for continuing service fees in that amount if our balance falls below $5000 in our checking account. Non-profit status does not matter. Contact:


• Police Report
Officer Love ‘s report covering the period Oct. 7 – Nov. 4, 2011 listed 9 thefts, one breaking and entering, and one murder (the continuing investigation of the female body discovered and reported last month). She stated that many of the thefts are of catalytic converters; this is a new development that has occurred with frequency in Mt. Washing-ton and other areas. Ruth Coon asked about an incident last week whereby many police cars converged on the Site gas station in the middle of the night, apparently investigating a report of homeless people in the gas station. Officer Love was not aware of this incident, but reported that the gas station has been secured repeatedly. Officer Love asked if we know the owner of the building; Patrice Allen reported that the owner is in St. Louis. We have had contact with him in the past, and he has always been very receptive to our requests and concerns. Officer Love also reported that she has personally visited the homeless camp by the railroad tracks on four occasions since our last meeting, and other officers have visited there as well. There are only remnants of the camp at this time; it appears to have been abandoned.

• Streetcar Presentation – Jennifer Wirtz and Steve Lane, Parsons Brinckerhoff architectural firm
Ms. Wirtz gave a brief overview of plans for the proposed streetcar. Her firm is designing the system including station stop designs. All design work is completed and ready to proceed. A brief video was shown; Ms. Wirtz continued with a power point presentation and explained the economic benefits of the streetcar; a handout was provided.

• Cincinnati Beer Company – Bryon Martin and Jack Martin
The Cincinnati Beer Company is trying to acquire the old pumphouse on Martin Drive in Eden Park for a production brewery. The building is a Samuel Hannaford design and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Their initial intent was to lease the building long-term, but there are state tax credits for the owners of the building, so they are pursuing ownership (purchasing the building and current paved area only - not any green space in the park. It is their intent to produce small batches of beer for distribution to local restaurants. They would also have a tap room that would primarily serve pedestrians/bicyclists in the park. There is limited availability for parking. They will have a loading dock; a truck will deliver grain once a week, but impact on traffic should be minimal. The building is approximately 7000 square feet.

• East End Health Center – Laura Hershberger, outreach coordinator, and Andrew Ruffner, bd. member
The East End Health Center is a federally funded health center and is part of Neighbor-hood Health Care. They reported that the center has been in the community for a long time and they are trying to make residents aware of its services. She thanked us for our letter of support for a dental center at the health center, which is currently being planned. She also read a letter from Dr. Marcia Irving-Ray, belatedly thanking us for our $1000 donation several years ago in honor of Dr. Ian Scott, a long-time East End resident. She announced that the dental center will be named in Dr. Scott’s honor. They are seeking additional board members from the community if anyone is interested.

• State Representative – Peter Stautberg
Jackie Weist welcomed Mr. Stautberg, who stated briefly that he was glad to have the opportunity to attend the meeting; he mentioned that next year we will likely be redistributed but he will continue to be our state representative.

• Eli’s BBQ – Eli Leisring
Nick Motz introduced Eli Leisring who will be opening a barbeque carryout restaurant in the East End in December. He is currently up for the “Best Barbeque Restaurant” in Cincinnati. He has successfully operated barbeque restaurants in the Findlay Market area and outdoors on Fountain Square during the summer months. He plans to have an outdoor patio up and running behind his new restaurant next spring/summer.

• LeBlond Report – Jeff Sepate, Director
Jeff stated that due to budget considerations, a therapeutic recreation department would be sharing the facility with the rec center in the future; therefore, he is being reassigned to Lincoln Center in the West End. He thanked the EEAC for our time together and stated how much he has enjoyed working in the East End; he stated that this change should allow the LeBlond Center to remain open in the future. Jeff received an ovation for his service to the EEAC during his tenure here.

Vice President Report – Michael Boland. Contact:
Michael gave an update on proposed historical signage commemorating areas of significance in the East End. The proposed signage would consist of photos and narrative printed on stainless steel of legal paper size, similar to signs currently located in Eden Park. They could possibly be installed on stands crafted by East End artisans. The cost of a prototype is approximately $300. Michael will look into this further and make a recommendation to the board.

Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact:
• the November 15 Meet and Greet will be held at Nick Motz’ building, Adenine, 3251 Riverside Dr, 6 – 8 PM, and will be a celebration of volunteerism in the East End. Special invitations were sent to individuals who contributed time and talent to the East End during the past year.
• the East End has been included in the website, which is a city-wide initiative that promotes green living.
• the board plans upcoming sessions to discuss long-term vision and planning for the EEAC in 2012. Members of the community are encouraged to share their ideas with any board member.

City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact:
• Laurie made a motion that we provide our support of the Cincinnati Beer Company in the form of a letter to the Cincinnati Park Board; the motion was seconded, and passed. Laurie agreed to write the letter.
• Laurie introduced Peter Huttinger of the Civic Garden Center to discuss guidelines for use of public property in our Garden District. Laurie stated that the concept of guidelines has the blessing of the three governing bodies that oversee the gardens (Recreation, Civic Garden Center, and Office of Environmental Quality, from which Urban Agriculture operates). Laurie asked Ruth Coon to look at dates in December to hold one or more informational meetings at the Pendleton Center to allow the community to learn more about these proposed guidelines for garden usage in anticipation of spring implement-tation. Joe Corcoran made a motion to form a steering committee but it was later recalled, pending the results of the upcoming informational meetings at the Pendleton Center.
• Laurie stated that issues of concern (tunnel lighting, abandoned steps in the 2500 block of Riverside, Lancaster Street homeless/trash/debris issues, and engine braking issues) will be tackled in the coming weeks now that the city council election is behind us. Laurie mentioned an information session regarding the Ohio River Trail from Collins to Corbin to be held at LeBlond on November 16 from 4 – 6:30 PM.
• A nationwide Emergency Alert broadcast will be conducted on Wednesday, November 9 at 2:00 PM.

NSP Funds – Patrice Allen, chair. Contact:
• Patrice announced with sadness that she is moving out of the East End, effective today. Her announcement was met with mutual sadness and applause for her years of service.
• We have spent all NSP funds allocated for this year, and there will not be any NSP funding in 2012 due to budget constraints.
• Scott Davidson was honored as the recipient of an award for being a 5-Star Winner for Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.
• Patrice will continue to stay involved in Adopt-a-Block and Adopt-a-Spot, which is expanding from Bains to the Little Miami River and including Eastern Avenue. She stated that local business Kinder Morgan has agreed to keep the grass mowed along the Ohio River Trail, and that Duke Energy has agreed to keep the sidewalk trash and debris-free along their facility on Riverside Drive. The Cincinnati Waterworks has edged and therefore, enlarged, the sidewalks in front of their facility to make more room for neighborhood walkers. She announced that the garden is going in at Delta and Kellogg and that 95 trees will be going in along Kellogg Avenue in pursuit of the goal of planting 500 trees along our streets. Patrice is still working with the I & O railroad to take down and remove debris along the railroad.

Columbia/Tusculum Report – Nick Motz, chair. Contact:
• Nick thanked those who helped with the cleanup effort on Make a Difference Day. He thinks Keep Cincinnati Beautiful was impressed with the turnout and effort made. He specifically thanked the 5 crew leaders who went out that day.
• He has signed us up to participate again in having a Party Zone during the Flying Pig on May 6, 2012.

Old Business
Michelle and Kevin Perkins announced that the application is ready to go for the Recycle Challenge. 491 green recycling carts were initially distributed in the East End, of which 173 have never been used. The goal is to attempt to collect those carts or identify those which have been abandoned/lost.

New Business
• Joe Corcoran announced that it is the time of year when he and his crew have time to assist with neighborhood cleanup projects. He committed to tackling the stone wall across from Duke to remove weeds. Contact Joe if you have a project that could use his assistance.

• Nominating Committee
Nick Motz announced that all officers have agreed to retain their positions with the exception of the Treasurer’s position. Please consider serving and get in touch with Nick or Laurie Keleher if you are interested in serving in that capacity. You may also nominate yourself at our meeting in December for any position.

Jackie Weist announced that there will not be a January meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

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