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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oct 1, 2012 EEAC Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, Oct 1, 2012 Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the Riverview East Academy. There were 22 in attendance, including 14 residents. Contact: Treasurer’s Report The Sept treasurer’s reported liabilities & equity of $23,873.38. The biggest expense was putting 50% down on the new EEAC sign for Delta & Kellogg. Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal Intense remediation is being given to 10th and 4&5th graders to prepare them for state testing (OGT and OAA). The Adopt-a-Class program continues, with business volunteers meeting with teachers to determine needs (holiday and year-end parties, supporting students and their families, etc). This Thursday at 7 PM the Riverview Hawks play football against their rivals Hatmakers in the Elder Pit, sponsored by Kiwanis. The upcoming (Nov 6) school levy will not raise taxes, and is important to pass to maintain programs. Official state ratings are not yet in – but CPS has likely maintained its rating (best of all Ohio urban districts) Police Report –Officer Germaine Love reported that there were 18 reported incidents of crime in the East End in September. She highlighted several: at Rivers Edge, UDF (cigarettes), Garden (tools), 2458 Riverside Dr (aggravated burglary of prescription drugs and money), 4308 Kellogg (B&E – arrest made), robbery where victim was punched, 4601 Kellogg (burglary of $200 taken). Linwood had a high amount of crime in September; EE had less. There were 23 reported broken car windows (not 50, as previously stated). There is a very low likelihood that any of these crimes will be solved (criminal damaging is a Part II crime that is not included in our monthly police report, per federal guidelines). Detective Kelley Macbeth (Mt. Washington) said that theft from auto, a crime of opportunity, is the frustrating for police. She reminded all to remove GPS, purses, money, computers, etc. from cars. Knowing serial numbers can lead to pawn shops, retrieval of stolen property, and solving other thefts. Barb asked about night patrol: B-4 (Mt. Washington, Linwood, East End, Columbia Tusculum, Mt. Lookout) has 3 officers on patrol. It was asked if there has been recent gang-related crime in O’Bryonville? (Yes, two arrests were made yesterday). Contact: 979-4480 LeBlond Recreation Center Director Alayne Kazin reported 2 thefts (trailer parts, and 3 swings – including a new $1000 handicapped swing - with chains; 7 swings remain). There are cameras, but without night vision; they may be improved. LeBlond is moving forward with renovation plans; she will bring particulars to a future meeting. 19 people came to the planning meeting. There has been increased attendance at rec programs; spinning is very popular. Cincinnati Federation of Teacher - Elizabeth Jones (not present) Secretary’s Report The Sept minutes were approved. Contact: Montessori Center Room – Cali Herzog, Executive Director The school has been next to (but not affiliated with) St. Rose since 1968. Cali Herzog Is the new director. A Westsider, she has driven to the EE school for the past 15 years while her 4 children were enrolled. There are two years of 5 day/week pre-school (only mornings this year), and one full-day kindergarten. They are trying to increase enrollment from the current 32 students. They will be reducing print media advertising, and using WRMM 98 instead. The Fall Open House is Oct 28, 12-2PM. They are hoping to increase renevue through the RustyBall on Nov. 10th, featuring the band the Rusty Griswolds. RB2012 hopes to attract 4000people to the event at Duke Energy. Every dollar goes to over 159 non-profit 501c(3) organizations. Ticket buyers choose their preferred charity to receive funds. Last year over $400,000 was made. Contact: City Liaison Report – Laurie Keleher, chair. Contact: • At the recent Neighborhood Summit Planning Session that Laurie attended, “Strength-ening Neighborhoods” was decided on as the theme for the event at XU Feb 16. Contact Laurie if there are topics you would like addressed. • Eastern Corridor project – We should have a dialog about this over the course of a few meetings. Laurie expressed concern over a 30 yr old idea to bring suburbanites downtown. The plan includes building a bridge over the oxbow of the Little Miami River to facilitate getting more Milford cars downtown. The bridge will be north of the current RR bridge. Re-routing Rte. 32 is another part of the plan. There is no prioritization to the four parts of the project (road, bus, bike, light rail); work will begin on whatever gets funded first. The OASIS line that parallels Riverside mostly to the north will be used. There has been no dialogue; just open houses. Brendan McAndrews said he called Waterworks about dead trees, and was told they’ll be cut down when the bike path goes through. Laurie explained that there were originally 3 bike plans: The Ohio River Trail (on Riverside and linking to Cleveland), on the OASIS line, and another recreational bike path along the river (where possible). All three will likely not happen. At this time, the Ohio River Trail is scheduled for completion next summer (see below). LeBlond will have .6 mile bike path, whether or not it’s connected to any of the others. • Duke will start construction of underground facilities on Riverside from Corbin to Kemper at the end of October, completing it in spring. Afterwards, the road re-construction/bike facility will be done. In August, microsurfacing will occur with a special machine brought in that can only be used in hot weather. There may be a ribbon-cutting in the fall. Community Relations Report – Melisse May, chair. Contact: • The October 23 Meet & Greet with C/T at 6:30 will be hosted by Chris Rose and Verdin artisans at the old Verdin plant in the 1900 block of Riverside. The theme will be education, with guests from STRIVE, REA, and the EE Adult Education Center. • The annual volunteer recognition will be held at the Nov. M&G • December – no M&G DAAP Project – Michael Bolan Lila, who has done work in Avondale and other communities, is being funded in November and will create a conceptualization of the EE. Michael and Melisse met with her and the group of architecture students recently. Contact: C/T Liaison – Nick Motz was not present, so there was no report. Neighborhood Clean-up – Jackie Weist Meet this Sat. 8:30-9:00 at LeBlond for gloves, bags & water provided by Keep Cincinnati Beautiful. C/T will also be participating. Joe cleaned up tunnels with the UGiveBack group. Queen City Bike will take care of the new bike lane. Joe has been watering Choir Games flower pots now placed on EE sidewalks. We opted not to get recommended liability insurance to place them there. New Business • The Nominating Committee consists of Mary Dyer, Barbara Grace, Connie Greene, and Barb Rider. Give them suggestions for officers, so they can make a report in November (election at the Dec 3 meeting ): president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, city liaison, Columbia Tusculum liaison, community development liaison, NSP liaison, community relations chair. Contact: 2260 Riverside #407 (Mary), 3011 Riverside (Barbara G), 1927 Riverside (Connie), 2141 Riverside (Barb R) • Monica Miller of REA thanked the EEAC for Friday Power Pack ($3.50@) program provided last year. There is an 80% poverty rate at REA. 66 slots for students to receive Power Packs exist this year. The program is run by the Food Store. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM. Next meeting: Monday, Nov 5 at LeBlond at 7pm. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at