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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vote is Monday, January 3 at the EEAC Meeting

$300.00 Email Community Newsletter

$300.00 Insurance

$350.00 Cooperative Projects with Columbia-Tusculum

$200.00 Eastern Avenue Beautification Project
Payment for Joe and crew to maintain sidewalk from Stanley to pedestrian tunnel along Stacon and Congress and for Keep Cincinnati Beautiful sign for Eastern Avenue clean-up by Tusculum Pizza

$150.00 Water Tank
Purchase of a portable water tank (on a vehicle) to water gardens, pots and planters in cooperation with the CTCC. Tank storage and water donated by Tarvin Plumbing on Eastern Avenue.

$800.00 East End Garden District (EEGD) maintenance:
hand tools, tool repair, gasoline and oil purchase for
lawn mowers and other power tools, tools purchase

$2000.00 Garden improvements:
Entrance garden at Kemper/River
East End Garden District entrance at Delta/Kellogg

$550.00 Dumping Fees
Dumpsters, chippers, trucks
removal of brush and tree roots from project clean-up areas

$700.00 Way-Finding Signs for entrance to East End Garden District