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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dec 3, 2012 East End Council Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, Dec. 3, 2012 Call to Order Jackie Weist, president, called the meeting to order at 7:08pm at the LeBlond Recreation Center. There were 19 in attendance (15 residents/business owners). Contact: Secretary’s Report – Barb Rider The November minutes were distributed and approved. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Sandy Hoover The November treasurer’s report was made available. Checks were written for the Riverview East Academy academic breakfast, annual PO Box fee, drinks & supplies for LeBlond movie night, and EEAC volunteer recognition at Wyatts. Books will be audited by Matt Ackerman of Columbia Tusculum. Total liabilities and equity are $23,494.29. Police Report –Officer Germaine Love and Sgt. Tucker Officer Love discussed the 16 reported offenses for the East End in November (fewer than in October): 4 thefts from auto (one from LeBlond Rec Center), 4 B&Es (including 3 at marinas & Botanics), 1 robbery (at Inner Circle; suspects were known to the victim), and 1 aggravated burglary (on McCullough St; suspects were known to the victim). Officer Love also provided holiday shopping tips: don’t take packages to the car and then return to shopping, watch people, be suspicious. Questions from meeting participants: Difference between theft and robbery? (robbery uses force). Aggravated robbery? (weapon involved). Burglary? (in home). Can we request paperwork be done at crime scene? (probably not). Contact: 979-4480 Election of Officers – Mary Dyer, Nominating & Elections Committee Ballots were distributed to those who had attended at least one meeting in the past 12 months. 12 ballots were returned, and counted by Mary and Barbara Grace. Officers elected unani-mously (and without competition): Jackie Weist, president; Michael Bolan, vice-president; Barb Rider, secretary; Jeff Stewart, treasurer; and Melisse May, NSP manager (absent). Mary led the oath of office. Jackie appointed to the 2013 Executive Board: Sandy Hoover, Community Relations; Laurie Keleher, City Liaison; Nick Motz, Community Development; and Bob Little, Advisor Emeritus. STRIVE Initiative – Greg Landsman The initiative includes superintendents, college presidents and social service agency heads from Cincinnati Public, Newport & Covington. STRIVE has 5 big goals, including kindergarten readiness, 4th grade reading success, increased graduation rates. Knowing that students with weekly tutors do 2 ½ to 3 ½ better than others, they are recruiting 1000 volunteer tutors who will work 40 min/week on primary grade reading, and maybe some math. Tutoring opportunities are available at Riverview East Academy. Background checks costing $5 (school day tutors) or $60 (after school tutors) are required. Laurie Keleher moved that we support & publicize this “Be the Change” program. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Contact: 513-646-0186 Eastern Corridor – Laurie Keleher, city liaison Laurie would like the EEAC to take a position on the Oasis Railway Project, one of 4 core Eastern Corridor Projects of OKI Hamilton & Clermont County: a light rail//Little Miami bridge/Rt. 32 rerouting project to move people between Milford and downtown. Please study the issue ( and email Laurie with your opinion. A committee can be formed, and a vote taken at an upcoming EEAC meeting, once more people review the plans (the project has been 30 years in the planning; there have recently been open houses and information in our newsletters). Laurie has worked on the issue with resident/attorney Lew Seiler, who is against the project. Negatives include expense, a bridge across the Little Miami, and prioritizing the moving of cars vs. people. Newtown is concerned about the impact on its downtown. Part of the project has recently been funded, and is moving forward (rail link from the Montgomery Inn Boathouse to the Transportation hub on 3rd St.). The Oasis Line (just north of Riverside, and then crossing south along Friendship Park) is being used, even though the Wasson Line (in Oakley/Hyde Park) is in a more populous area. However, it is not shovel ready, not for sale, and ends at Xavier University. The number, timing, and speed of trains have not been speci-fied. There will be 10 stations on the 17 mile line: at the Boathouse, near Torrence, Delta, Lunken, etc. Betty Burns said changes in the original plan have been made without public input, and that there would be a $17.63 subsidy per passenger per ride. Laurie cited flawed data (her house on Collins is not listed). Bob Little clarified that the Oasis project is not the 275 to 71 transportation corridor plan. Contact: LeBlond Recreation Center – Katie Lear A Movie Night is planned for Dec 14 at 6pm with $1 Skyline, popcorn & Tusculum pizza; pro-ceeds go to the EE Garden District. There are more activities; a monthly calendar is available. New expanded hours are 9am-9pm Mon-Thurs, and 9am-6pm Friday. Gift certificates are available; membership fees vary from $10 for srs & youth, $20 for 3 ma. use of the weight room, to $75 annual memberships. 53 bike lights were given out last Thursday; even Santa appeared on a bike. Katie warned against putting purses in trunks when parking at LeBlond (one was taken just minutes after the driver entered LeBlond at 6:30pm). Contact: Duke Overlook – Bob Little Bob has developed a proposal for Duke Energy to build an overlook with gazebo and limited parking at their site across from Fuel (“best view in the city”) when they replace contaminated soil (recent EPA order). Contact: Thank Yous! – Jackie Weist Jackie thanked Melisse May for a wonderful volunteer recognition at Wyatt’s on November 20, and Betsy Urban for great newsletters and community announcements. C/T Liaison – Nick Motz 3East, with 30 business members from Linwood, CT and EE, will become its own 501c3 organ-ization on January 1 (and not part of the CT neighborhood council). The only city-identified business district is Columbia Square. 3E is working to have an entertainment district. There is a CT social event at the Carnegie Center this Friday. Contact: Announcements The Community Service Day with Withrow HS, led by Joe Corcoran, has been re-scheduled. Nick will take him the gloves & bags that Jackie procured. Deidre Bullock continues to deep fry and smoke turkeys & ham through the holidays for sale benefit the Garden District - Jackie There is no Meet & Greet in December, and possibly not in January. An announcement will be sent to the newsletter mailing list – Sandy There will be no EEAC meeting in January. Email the city department of transportation (352-2366; to encourage finishing the bike facility. Duke is working its way west on Riverside Dr with under-the-road surface work; when they are finished and the pavement is re-done, the new car and bike lanes will be painted. There were questions about the bus stop area just east of BrewRiver GastroPub (jack hammering), and about parking and future development on Vance near the Dr. Scott building. – Laurie, Sandy, Betty Adjournment Next meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm Monday, Feb 4 at 7pm - LeBlond Rec Center Read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at: