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Monday, October 14, 2013

July 1, 2013 EEAC Mtg Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday July 1, 2013 Call to Order – Jackie Weist, EEAC President Jackie called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 24 in attendance (including 15 residents). Contact: “Special Bow” to Joe Corcoran – Joe has received an award from the Garden Club of America for his work over the last 13-20 years on the Veteran Gardens on Strader. He received thanks and a round of applause, and showed the award. He introduced Deidre Bullock as a “new face in the garden”, and explained that she would be coordinating activities (in the past, she has helped with turkey frying during holidays, etc). There will be a focus on family-friendliness (e.g. movies on Friday nites). The BBQ is Sat., Aug 10, with some new vendors. Jackie reminded Deidra that July 15 is the deadline for the next EEAC newsletter. Contact: Secretary Report – Barb Rider The June 3, 2013 minutes were distributed. Betty Burns pointed out 2 mistakes regarding the bike facility/parking concerns, which were corrected for the record. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart (absent) There was no treasurer’s report. Jackie said that she was reimbursed for granola bars, water, plants, and dirt used on Keep Cincinnati Beautiful day. Contact: Police Report –Officer Germaine Love • There are 14 reported offenses for June. Included were 6 thefts from autos (jewelry, purses, etc), 3 petty thefts from UDF, theft from Stone Brothers ($4000), theft on 4340 Kellogg, and a B&E at DeeJay’s (formerly Adonis; they are applying for a liquor and dance hall license, and have held some events without permission; police are objecting to their requests). • National Night Out is Tuesday, Aug 6 6-9pm at Owl’s Nest Park in O’Bryonville. Ruth Coon & Vergie Mullis brought prizes; Ruth has another 1000 at home. Jackie reported that Jeff also has donations. Officer Love will provide the approximate number of expected participants. • Jane Sites asked about the progress on “No Engine Braking” signs to be installed on Riverside near Collins. Officer Love has contacted John Childress of the city, who will provide the signs despite the fact that the pilot program is over. • Jackie reported that KCB has installed a camera on Hoff to prevent dumping/littering. • Jane asked about reported development on Hoff. • Ruth reported that someone may be staying in the abandoned building at 1542 Riverside by Kemper. Officer Love will check on it. The City owns the building. Contact: 979-4480. Guest: Ann Herzner, Councilwoman Laure Quinlivan’s aide – Ann has deep in-law roots with the East End. She has been on Councilwoman Quinlivan’s staff for 4 months. She reviewed Quinlivan’s main initiatives: • A mobile food vendor ordinance has been passed, and there was a media event in the EE Garden District about this a few weeks ago. It is not difficult for a neighborhood to get a dedicated zone for food trucks. They can be used to sell locally grown produce. • City council election in November is the first to elect council members to four (not two) year terms. • After a Jan 1 fire killed 2 UC students, Quinlivan worked to get tougher fire laws. Landlords now can volunteer to have a fire inspection, and then get a certificate/ stamp/sticker if passed. Unsafe housing can be reported to the city; an inspector will come out for $35. There will be a press conference tomorrow about this. • Pat Ormond asked about the streetcar. Ann said that a recent city council vote to continue the project passed 5-4. Pat suggested that property owners adjacent to the streetcar route, not all city residents, support streetcar maintenance. He made a motion (seconded) that the EEAC supports having property owners along the streetcar route pay a fee, and that a letter to this effect be sent to all 9 council members and the mayor. A hand vote was taken: 7 yes. 0 no. 7 abstain. Jackie will write the letter. LeBlond Report - Alayne Kazin, Director • It’s busy at LeBlond - there are 40 campers & 40 staff members in & out on a daily basis. • Aug 23 is PNC Volunteer Day, and 65 to 75 employees will be landscaping LeBlond, painting interior spaces, and renovating the ballfield (which will not be moved, as originally hoped, because the former school property could not be procured by the city) • On Mon, Aug 26, work on expanding the parking lot will begin. • A Park Board arborist inspected the large sycamore tree on the LeBlond property, and concluded it is rotten inside and needs to come down for safety reasons. Jane and Michael Bolan objected (“an icon”…”children play near it”, etc). A suggestion was made to procure another opinion. Contact: Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal (absent) No report. Contact: NSP Budget and DAAP East End Study – Melisse May We have received approval for our funding ($2500), and are spending it: letters & lighting for neighborhood sign; DAAP students’ project; sign landscaping. Contacts: City Liaison - Laurie Keleher Paving of Riverside, following installation of the new gaslines, will begin within a month. Contact: Community Relations – Sandy Hoover (absent) Jackie reported that the next Meet N Greet is at the Sandbar (4 Seasons Marina) on Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30; Linwood and Columbia Tusculum will join us. Contact: 3E Business Committee– Nick Motz (absent) No report. Old Business - Jackie • There was a great letter to the Enquirer written by Barbara Lichtenstein, EEAC business owner, reacting to a letter from a Blue Ash resident recommending the closure of Alms Park to save money for the city of Cincinnati. • Barbara also sent a letter to the EEAC objecting to the new development on Brown St. Jackie reported that we don’t have a coordinated report yet; there was discussion on when/how a coordinated report is received. Laurie will check the status of all the coordinated reports that we have not received. • Patrick, 10 yr former EEAC president “with a lifetime membership” (per Jackie), reported on his history with the East End in the 1970s and 80s (including dealing with benzene railcars on Wilmer Ave; recruiting over 300 people to protest at City Hall, and having 100 people at the next EEAC meeting). Jack Feistel (?) gave him advice. Pat said it worked well to have fun events at which problems and the EEAC could be introduced (e.g. Monte Carlo Nights at Carnegie Center, a festival at Schmidt Field with hot air balloons). This invigorated the organization, which welcomed new residents (e.g. Betty Burns) to become involved. There was a focus on youth involvement; racial incidents were addressed. EEAC = representing businesses and residents. Pat suggested having a written mission statement (note: the EEAC has one); not taking on problems alone (involve the whole board and community); if handing out brochures, include an EE business coupon. Other ideas were to have a Riverfest party, and to go door-to-door to every house (pay a college student) with a questionnaire, saying: “Hello neighbor, we’d like to re-introduce ourselves.” Time spent on the EEAC were the best and worst years of his life. He served on the city-sponsored Community Business Development Council for years and helped create Community-Oriented Policing (350 students went to a Reds game with police officers). Pat recommended getting a reporter on our side. Ruth said that we need absentee landlords to take responsibility; Patrick said that council presidents have lots of power, and could change situations like this. New Business - Jackie • KCB - Jackie attended a meeting for District 2 neighborhoods. She reported issues with overgrown properties to the litter patrol; since then, the old school property has been mowed. She also reported the uncut grass along the new bike facility. Betty said that the west sidewalk of Collins is so overgrown that pedestrians must use the street; Jackie will call about this. Bryan asked about dumping on the far eastern area of Hoff. Jackie asked him to call her about where a 2nd camera could go. Vergie reported tall grass on Kellogg just past Delta near the ballfields. Barbara Grace reported that when a large tree fell near Brown St, all the little pieces were left behind. She also would like bus stops cleaned up. Jackie reported that Alicia Kravitz of KCB suggested that we identify 3-5 spots for clean-up this fall. KCB will supply heavy equipment. Jackie would like input on the worst areas. • Christian Babani (BrewRiver GastroPub) and Jason Gipson (Fuel) have written the EEAC about loss of parking due to the upcoming bike facility. The EEAC Board supports them getting them parking, while maintaining support for the bike facility. Betty reiterated that the small EE group of property & business owners that met with Vice-Mayor Roxanne Qualls is not against the bike facility. Michael Moore of the city transportation department didn’t respond to requests from Betty, so she, Christian, a Verdin Bell rep, and Rev. Henson (Cornerstone Pentecostal Church) met with Qualls to present possible parking solutions. Ruth said businesses should not come into the EE and change pre-existing neighborhood plans. Christian explained his business plan and importance to the neighborhood. Betty said that despite the city adding some pocket parking, there are still 49 parking places not recovered near BrewRiver. Laurie explained that her letter to Qualls said the EEAC remains in support of the bike facility. Christian explained that the group would like any city-owned property in the EE to be designated for parking. Barbara Grace said she’s made adjustments whenever EE parking regulations changed in the more than 60 years she’s lived here. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at