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Monday, October 14, 2013

Sept 7, 2013 EEAC Mtg Minutes

EEAC MINUTES – Monday, September 9, 2013 Call to Order Jackie Weist called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm at the LeBlond Rec Center. There were 19 people in attendance, including 11 residents. Contact: Secretary’s Report – Barb Rider Copies of the Aug 5, 2013 minutes were circulated. No edits were suggested, so the minutes were filed as written. Contact: Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Stewart Three disbursements were made: $63.90 to Wimberg Landscaping for mowing; $700 (last year’s NSP funds) to Joe Sandman, DAAP for consulting on neighborhood planning; and $804.56 to Riverview East Academy for their garden. Jackie will be reimbursed for school supplies she purchased for a REA family, at the request of the principal. Contact: Police Report - Detectives McBeth & Stephanie Belleman • We have the same problems as other places in the city (e.g. the year-to-date larceny rate is up 14%). Det. McBeth is impressed that our year-to-date burglarly and B&Es are down 66%; this is rare, and a statistic other neighborhoods would love to have. • During the last 28 days there have been 13 total crimes, including 6 thefts from auto. • A family conflict at a Strader home during the BBQ resulted in a felonious assault arrest. • Alayne reported that batteries & radiators have been taken from construction vehicles parked at LeBlond. Det. McBeth said she has seen children playing on vehicles, and wishes the construction company would do more to secure their property. There has been vandalism, where many outside areas (including rose bushes) were sprayed with pink paint. Alayne asked for increased police patrol at LeBlond. • Sandy said there were police officers in her back yard in the 1800 block of Riverside with guns drawn on a recent Tuesday night. Det. McBeth will check it out. • Gail Silver requested extra police patrols during an Oct 2 fundraiser on Strader. • Tad Schroeder thanked Det. McBeth for the new “no engine brake” signs. • Jane Sites called about water spouts coming from the sewers during heavy rain in the lot at Collins & Riverside. Det. McBeth will ask why the lot is not blocked off to traffic. Call the city hotline at 591-6000 with complaints of any kind. Contact: Officer Germaine Love 979-4480 or Riverview East Academy – Charlene Myers, principal Charlene Meyers reported that the enrollment of the school has increased from 456 to 596. She turned over money from selling EEAC bumper stickers. Graduation will be at Inner Circle. CPS schools will be open on Saturday, Sept 28 for the community to use. The REA resource coordinator hasn’t been replaced yet; the YWCA will be hiring. Guest Speaker – Clarence Taylor, Walnut Hills Community Council president Speaking on behalf of Neighborhood Health Care (which provides services in several different communities), Clarence said that the East End Health Center at 4020 Eastern is now open on Tues (8:30-noon) & Thurs (1-5:30pm) for OB/GYN services only. Possibly there could be an urgent care in the future. There is a need to advertise more & work through schools; REA is working to get health services (they recently added an RN). NHC is talking to an organization in KY to fully staff the centers here; they are challenged by a lack of available doctors. Michael asked about the impact of ObamaCare (the Affordable Care Act); Clarence said that is unknown at this point. There is a sliding fee scale based on income; they take insurance and cash. Patients can live anywhere. Contact: 559-5549 (NHC call center) LeBlond Recreation Center – Alayne Kazin • Alayne showed a plan for the outside renovation now in progress. 150 PNC volunteers renovated the ballfield recently; Jeff represented EEAC in a ribbon cutting. The multiple sports court has been asphalted. On Oct 22nd, the Hometown Huddle with 300 volun-teers will build a new playground, pathways & landscaping. Next year, the Dept. of Transportation will provide a bike trail; a .6 mile walking trail will join up to it. • Fall programming includes senior stretch, strength training, and spinning. Membership is $10 for those over 50; $25 for younger adults. Contact: NSP + DAAP + KCB Report - Melisse May (absent); Michael Bolan, VP • Jackie reported that we do not yet know if we’ll get NSP funds in the future. • Michael Bolan said that $700 from a LISC grant was used to get concepts of a study area (REA to river to the RR to ball fields). The plans proposed by a team from UC’s DAAP program were revealed on Aug 22; 15 people attended to provide comments. The DAAP team is now refining those comments, and will present revised plans in the future. Michael suggests that 4 areas should be targeted first: parking (signage, etc), Babb Alley improvements, lighting, and river amenities (seating, vegetative clearing). Jackie added that we all know there is lots of potential in the East End. • KCB - Michael will help apply for an EPA grant for pickup and disposal of old tires – that will be main thrust of spring cleanup. George Mullis reported that a daybed needs to be picked up at Redmond & Strader. There will be no official fall cleanup, but it would be appreciated if everyone could clean up the area near where they live. Contacts: and Community Relations Report - Sandy Hoover, chair There will be a Meet & Greet at Swampwater Grill (3742 Kellogg Ave) on Sept 17, beginning at 6:30PM. Pay as you go for the food & drink you want (there was a Groupon offering for Swampwater Grill today). Contact: 3East Report - Nick Motz (absent, no report) Old Business • Patrick Ormond was asked to give an update on a fundraiser for the EEAC. He talked about very preliminary plans for a possible East End reunion in the spring (400-500 people with 2-3 bands). Bryan Phillips said there’s a reunion every year (“East End Day”) the day before Father’s Day at Schmidt Field. Another reunion in Newtown (used to be at Lunken) is held annually and is well attended. • Nominating Committee – Jane Sites, Barbara Grace, Ruth Coon - provided a box for comments on how to pull the neighborhood together or to give nominations for EEAC bd. members. The slate will be announced Nov. 4; they are focusing on diversity, adding long-time residents and Pendleton Bd. members. Ruth also hopes to have a historian. • Jackie announced that the Walworth home remodeling request was approved. New Business • Gail Silver discussed a fundraiser for Roxanne Qualls on Wed, Oct 2 5:30-7:00 at Michael Bolan’s “green” home on Strader. It is being hosted by Jackie, Melisse & Gail (as individuals, not as EEAC members). Reservations and to help: Gail, 475-0002. • Ruth Coon said the traffic was “the worst she’s ever seen” on Riverfest Night; traffic was backed up until 2:30AM, the center lane near the Rookwood overpass was used as a high speed lane, and drivers parked in the bike lane. • Jackie said budget suggestions are needed next month. EEAC, city and KCB priorities include safe communities. • Jackie reported on a recent KCB meeting she attended Thursday, Sept 5. • The web-based communication device,, is supported by police. Clarence said the first 10 people in a neighborhood to sign up are the administrators. • Diedre Bullock is representing the garden area, on behalf of Joe Corcoran, who will not be attending meetings. The temporary orange fence and no trespassing signs were put up to address drinking, litter from Eli’s, in addition to any liability issues. Better fencing will be installed. The fence will be taken down for special events. Eli has not responded to email from Joe or Diedre, who want to bridge differences. Turkeys will be sold again this year. • Brochures on Hamilton County Property Improvement Program are available. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm. Next Meeting: Monday Oct 7, 2013 at 7 pm NOTE: You can read EEAC minutes and sign up to have monthly newsletters emailed to you at